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Feature request: Timestamps in build log output #330

Closed gh2k closed 6 years ago

gh2k commented 6 years ago

I'd like to know how long a particular part of my build took. It would be helpful to have a timestamp prepended to every line in the log output (optionally?) so I can see this.

BRMatt commented 6 years ago

It might be worth piping your logs through the ts command:

KevinGrandon commented 6 years ago

I believe there is a buildkite agent command for this, timestamp-lines, that you can turn on:

It would be nice to hvae this option to turn this on in the UI as well though.

gh2k commented 6 years ago

Thanks - I couldn't find a straightforward way to do that on my Windows agents so it would still be convenient to have it available as an option somewhere. :)

gh2k commented 6 years ago

@kevingrandon Oh, that works for me. I hadn't seen it in the config file, didn't look there.