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Log tail on build page #336

Open gh2k opened 6 years ago

gh2k commented 6 years ago

I have some builds which are both long-running and verbose. It would be great if I could choose to see a live tail of the build output on the build page, instead of the whole thing.

ticky commented 6 years ago

Does this differ much from the “follow” option we have in the web UI?

gh2k commented 6 years ago

A little. The problem is that with long logs it makes the page very long and eventually hits the 1mb limit and reloads with a truncation warning and things get slow.

One thing I liked about TeamCity is that you could view the logs in a 'tail' mode which showed the last n lines (without any fuss about collapsing sections or anything) and expunged anything beyond that. It keeps the page responsive and you haven't got to scroll for miles to get back to the top. You could always switch between that and the slow-loading full-log page if you needed to look back a bit.

petemounce commented 6 years ago

Yes, I like the TeamCity behaviour here, too.

I think another improvement might be to provide fixed-within-the-viewport controls to put the scroll position to the tail of the build output from anywhere, and to the start of the job, from anywhere.

gh2k commented 6 years ago

That would be a good improvement. In some of my builds, half of the time getting to the top isn't possible due to the truncation limit (this happens in TC, too) but the page gets slow and cumbersome with so much output on it. It would be easier to keep tabs on the other jobs if the output took up less space.