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Feature: prevent cancel #362

Open joscha opened 6 years ago

joscha commented 6 years ago

Any chance to get an option cancelable: true|false, disabling the "Cancel" button in the web UI?

lox commented 6 years ago

We'll discuss, interested to know a bit more about what you'd use this for!

joscha commented 6 years ago

We have a step that is changing infrastructure - it has a rollback/cleanup mechanism at the end if something went wrong. This rollback is never executed if the job gets cancelled, so we do this:

poor man's do not cancel

I named the image poor man's do not cancel, we would like to...improve this for obvious reasons.

jellevandenhooff commented 6 years ago

One place this would be useful is in tandem with "cancel intermediate builds". We'd like to cancel pending deploys, but not interrupt running deploys.

enkoder commented 6 years ago

This would be a huge help for us too regarding the cancel intermediate builds! The issue is when someone deploys a branch, they would need to remember not to push to their branch until the deploy is complete, otherwise it would be cancelled. Some deploys take a long time, so we cant use this feature.

leighst-anchorage commented 2 years ago

+1 - for the same reasons as above!

mrjackdavis commented 1 year ago

We'd also benefit from the concept of an non-cancelable step. Basically the same reason. If a developer cancels a build when a specific step is running, we get state-locks in pulumi.

But it would be nice to be able to cancel a build; and wait for the non-cancelable steps to finish