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It's not obvious when there are no agents that can service a scheduled build #374

Open petemounce opened 6 years ago

petemounce commented 6 years ago

I'm using agent queues to isolate jobs to particular agents built from a particular source control revision, so I can have repeatable builds.

This means I'll have many queues, where only a few are actually serving build traffic.

While I'm iterating the agent build process in combination with not yet having a suitably slick way of moving pipelines from one queue to another, it's sometimes the case where I'll not have any agents to service a queue.

It would be nice if the scheduled jobs that match that condition could be more prominently highlighted.

I'm aware of{org}/jobs - that might serve, but I think it also doesn't make this condition as obvious as it could.

(I think this might be a condition that stops being possible once I've wired up autoscaling within GCE - the thing that I'll write that triggers scaling up will know the queue to scale up, so... it'll just do that. However, there will be agents that are not cloud-managed/auto-scalable, like on-premise ones or ones with USB-connected devices like consoles, so this feature would still be a boon).