buildkite / feedback

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Add support for GitHub checks API? #389

Open ivan-kolmychek opened 6 years ago

ivan-kolmychek commented 6 years ago

I am not entirely sure should Buildkite be using in any way and how exactly can it be, but this sounds interesting.

Here is also how Travis integrated it, maybe it can serve as inspiration:

toolmantim commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and heads up. We'll keep you posted on updates.

asford commented 6 years ago

We've implemented prototype support for this in our pipelines via a plugin:


I would describe the current functionality as minimal. There obviously a fair amount of enhancement needed, particularly with respect to delivering output & annotations in the checks report, but it may be a useful starting point for future development.

dropwhile commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this?

prologic commented 5 years ago

@asford How do you find this plugin practically? Does it provide value to your developers? I looked at some sample PRs against -- They look useful enough as they seem to reduce the friction of having to drill down from the PR to Buildkite build to the details of the build itself.

jgehrcke commented 4 years ago

I hope it's OK to revive this thread.

I would appreciate to see an update on some official integration between Buildkite builds and GitHub checks.

CC @toolmantim

We are using a GitHub workflow for triggering a Buildkite build from pull requests -- that works fine. But we have not found a simple, sane way yet to report back from the build to GitHub.

toolmantim commented 4 years ago

Hi @jgehrcke — we're working on an updated GitHub checks integration, but in the meantime have you tried using the commit status API that we support? If you email we can assist you getting it working.

ascandella commented 4 years ago

We just wrote an open-source utility to allow sending checks with file annotations from arbitrary command-line tools, which we're using with BuildKite internally:

Our main buildkite pipeline still sends the status via the commit status API, but this allows more fine-grained errors/warnings, and is particularly useful for code linters.

jufemaiz commented 3 years ago

Not wanting to rock the boat too much but has there been any progress on this?

c4milo commented 1 year ago

any progress on this?