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Get rid of Unknown build commit email popup #394

Open KevinGrandon opened 6 years ago

KevinGrandon commented 6 years ago

This popup is pretty infuriating as it constantly pops up and blocks build output. There's also no option to turn it off completely.


Some options:

ticky commented 6 years ago

Hi Kevin, this should only ask you once per email address, if that’s not what you’re seeing then we should definitely look into that!

That said, we don’t have a good solution for bot users right now, but if your organisation has restrictive build permissions set, this confirmation is very important!

petemounce commented 6 years ago

I have two emails in GitHub account and same two in buildkite. I get this popup for every user pushing to repository that buildkite builds, when that person does not have a buildkite account. I'm a GitHub org admin, and a buildkite org admin.

If there were an option to turn it off, I'd use it.

keithpitt commented 6 years ago

Yeah, as @ticky said - if you hit the "Not Mine" button, it should never show you again for that email. If you do keep seeing it, it's a bug and we'll fix it! I think clicking outside the box will just hide it, and we'll prompt you again next time you reload the page.