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Question: Does the disable builds on git tag support `git push --tags` #395

Open rocco-liu opened 6 years ago

rocco-liu commented 6 years ago

We don't want our git tag to trigger the build. We use this code do git tag:

git tag -a -f -m "Version $GEM_VERSION " "v$GEM_VERSION"
git push --tags

Our BuildKite GitHub settings as below:


Our Github hook settings as below:


Every time we commit code will do git tag, and it will trigger build again by the new tag.

If we change the way to push tags as below, it not trigger the build by push tag

git tag -a -f -m "Version $GEM_VERSION " "v$GEM_VERSION"
git push origin "v$GEM_VERSION" --tags

It seems we have to push tags to a "tag branch". Does the Build tag option in GitHub Enterprise Settings support git push --tags?

sj26 commented 6 years ago

Hi @rocco-liu, Sorry — that doesn't seem right! Could you send us a link to a build you didn't expect to so we can take a look? Thanks!