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Link to uploaded artifact #440

Closed joscha closed 5 years ago

joscha commented 5 years ago

I'd like to link to an uploaded buildkite artifact from the build log, e.g. something like:

buildkite-agent artifact upload my.log
LINK=$(buildkite-agent artifact link my.log)
echo $LINK

which would print something like:<BUILD_NUMBER>/jobs/<JOB_ID>/artifacts/<ARTIFACT_ID>

ewirch commented 5 years ago

Do ANSI escape codes not work for you?

joscha commented 5 years ago

@ewirch are you referring to images? I would like to link the actual file, like a log file for example.

ewirch commented 5 years ago

I'm referring to artifact links:

You can also link to an uploaded artifact by using the artifact:// URL syntax

joscha commented 5 years ago

ah, gotcha. I think they would actually, not sure why I missed that, we use inline artifacts for images but not for files anywhere.