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Allow branch/tag names to be matched with regular expressions #459

Open sgrimm-sg opened 5 years ago

sgrimm-sg commented 5 years ago

One of my projects has a tagging scheme where we use a raw semver number like 1.34.2 as the git tag when publishing a new release.

On CircleCI, our "deploy the release" step had a regex filter to look for those tags:

      only: /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*/
      ignore: /.*/

But as far as I can tell, Buildkite doesn't let us do a digits-only match like the above snippet because the branch filter uses shell-style globbing. We end up having to do

      - "*.*.*"

and then add a sanity check in our build script to check to see if the current revision's tag really looks like a version number.

It'd be handy if Buildkite would let us specify a regex instead of a shell glob pattern here.