buildkite / feedback

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Retry triggered pipeline step in parent build #487

Closed matthewborden closed 5 years ago

matthewborden commented 5 years ago

It would be awesome 💯to be able to retry a triggered build in a parent pipeline. Currently retrying the build via the retry button on the triggered build page, creates a new build that is not linked to the original parent build. It would be great to be able to retry the triggered pipeline and have the retried build be linked to the original job.

keithpitt commented 5 years ago

Good idea @matthewborden! I don't suppose you'd be able to copy this feedback request to our new shiny request forum over here? (you'd be "first post" as well!) I've got a few q's I'd love to ask :)

keithpitt commented 5 years ago

(will close and continue discussion over there! 👍)