buildkite / feedback

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Allow to set required parameters (like in block step) for the build before it starts. #488

Closed bwplotka closed 5 years ago

bwplotka commented 5 years ago

Hi! :wave:

Right now NewBuild UI allows to set name, commit, branch, and initial ENV_VARS. This means that there is no way to parametrize build with more human readable options like it is nicely available with

The problem with using build step is that even when you put it at the very top step and start a Build - you need to wait from 5s to sometimes a couple of minutes for the environment to set up (e.g github repo being pulled) until you can pass parameters.

For a fully automated pipeline, you don't wont to require the user to watch build status closely until it can provide actual info. Especially when the idea is to provide initial input only to limit user context switching.

So acceptance criteria for this would be:

Also the color of status for "blocked/paused" build is really similar to green one which could be confusing, but that's a separate issue.

Am I missing any obvious solution here? (:

jmendiara commented 5 years ago

Same than #429 i guess

keithpitt commented 5 years ago

@bwplotka 👋 howdy! No, you're not missing anything! I think I can help you out here...

Would you mind copying this over to our new forum here? I'll get some more info from you there and we'll figure something out!

(will close for now, and we'll continue chatting over there!)