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Ask: tidier copy/paste result when copying from the build log #525

Closed jgehrcke closed 3 years ago

jgehrcke commented 3 years ago

We love the build log view, it's visually appealing. Often times we of course have to copy and paste some snippets from it. Say, I copy these four lines: Screenshot from 2020-07-24 17-28-32 (this is a screenshot from the buildkite build log view, really, and the blue means that I have selected these lines).

When I then paste these lines what I get is:

[2020-07-24T12:13:20Z] rsync -avr \
  | [2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='*node_modules*' \
  | [2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='.npm' \
  | [2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='.node-version' \

I (we) chose not to care for a year. But honestly, this is pretty annoying:

Is there maybe an easy way to change the method this log is presented in the browser's DOM so that the paste result would represent the text verbatim?


jgehrcke commented 3 years ago

Ha. When choosing "paste as plain text' (or ctrl+shift+v in my browser) indeed the result is as expected:

[2020-07-24T12:13:20Z] rsync -avr \
[2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='*node_modules*' \
[2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='.npm' \
[2020-07-24T12:13:20Z]  --exclude='.node-version' \

Sorry for the noise!

ticky commented 3 years ago

I’m with you @jgehrcke - I think browsers are trying to be a little too clever; we currently present job logs in a table, and it tries to put a separator between table columns even though there’s only one you can select. I’m hoping we can improve the default behaviour in a future update, but for now you have indeed found the workaround I’d have suggested! 👍🏼