buildkite / terminal-to-html

Converts arbitrary shell output (with ANSI) into beautifully rendered HTML
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terminal-to-html imposes odd formatting on Terraform plans #139

Closed mdb closed 3 months ago

mdb commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your work on terminal-to-html! I'd like to surface ansi-color-encoded Terraform plans as Buildkite annotations, and am using the terraform-to-html CLI to do so via bash similar to the following, where plan.log is the output of a terraform plan invocation:

echo '<details><summary>Terraform plan</summary>' > plan.html
echo '<div><code><pre class="term">' >> plan.html
cat plan.log | terminal-to-html >> plan.html
echo '</pre></code></div></details>' >> plan.html
cat plan.html | head -c 1048576 | buildkite-agent annotate --style 'info' --context "ctx-plan-$project"

However, the plan formatting gets a bit mangled and over-styled, and looks like the following example within the annotation (note the inconsistent text size/styling, as well as odd indentation). Ideally, the annotation would depict the plan output just as it appears in the Buildkite step output (and how it renders in my terminal when I invoke terraform plan).



yob commented 3 months ago

@mdb Buildkite prints our own terraform plans as a build annotation, so I had a look to see what we do that seems to work.

It's done via a ruby script so the syntax is slightly different, but :

summary = capture!("terraform", "show", "plan.out")

# Terraform 0.15 introduced a whole lot of useless noisy output about
# drift which has been ignored before the actual plan output. Throw
# away the noise. There's a big horizontal rule of `-----` in the middle.
summary = summary.split(/^─{10,}(?:\e\[0m)?\n/).last.strip

annotation = <<~MARKDOWN
  Terraform determines the following changes need to be made:


system!("buildkite-agent", "annotate", "--style", "warning", stdin_data: annotation)

Could you use the term code block as a workaround, maybe with using terraform show as well?

DrJosh9000 commented 3 months ago

Hi @mdb, if @yob's suggestion doesn't work for you, we'd be interested in taking a look at the job or at least the raw annotation data. You can email with the details, and refer to this issue, so we can see the specifics of your case.

mdb commented 3 months ago

Hi @mdb, if @yob's suggestion doesn't work for you, we'd be interested in taking a look at the job or at least the raw annotation data. You can email with the details, and refer to this issue, so we can see the specifics of your case.

Unfortunately, @yob 's suggestion doesn't work, as I'd like to also include a <details> HTML dropdown in the annotation, yet it seems Buildkite fails to properly render markdown inside annotations that include a mix of markdown code fences and HTML.

However, after lotsa lotsa lotsa trial/error, I was able to accomplish what I'm after via echo -e 😄 :

html_plan="$(terminal-to-html < plan.log)"
plan_annotation=$(echo -e "<h4>Terraform plan</h4> \
    <summary>Terraform Plan</summary> \
    <pre class=\"term\"> \
      <code> \
        ${html_plan} \
      </code> \
    </pre> \

buildkite-agent annotate \
  "${plan_annotation}" \
  --style "info" \
  --context "plan"