buildo / react-cookie-banner

React Cookie banner which can be automatically dismissed with a scroll. Because fuck The Cookie Law, that's why.
MIT License
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Message prop prop-types configuration. #60

Open Huespal opened 5 years ago

Huespal commented 5 years ago

Proptypes complains about sending a message prop to component different than string.

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'message' of type 'object' supplied to 'CookieBanner', expected 'string'. in CookieBanner

I'm sending a span with html to allow links (also styled text) to the message prop. It works but proptypes complains with previous annoying warning. This is my message:

<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: '<a href="">Link!</a>' }} />

Can the component be updated to allow multiple prop types for message prop, not only strings?

Thank you.