buildout / buildout

Buildout is a deployment automation tool written in and extended with Python
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ERROR: Package 'collective-jsonmigrator' requires a different Python: 3.8.10 not in '==2.7,>=3.7' #608

Open gbastien opened 1 year ago

gbastien commented 1 year ago

Hi @gotcha

here is an error I get when using zc.buildout 3.0.0rc3 while trying to install collective.jsonmigrator

So the problem is either in where python_requires="==2.7, >=3.7" or in the way it is managed by zc.buildout?

Another thing is that the error message appears when asking for a fixed version, but if you do not pin a version, you have following message:

Getting distribution for 'transmogrify.dexterity==2.0.0'.
  Installing instance1.
  Getting distribution for 'transmogrify.dexterity==2.0.0'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'transmogrify.dexterity==2.0.0'.

It would be great to have a message specifying that the version exists but is not python compatible.

See you! Gauthier

mauritsvanrees commented 1 year ago

This python_requires condition is wrong and can never be true. It cannot be installed by any pip version.