run shell:
pack build myapp --builder cnbs/sample-builder:bionic
[builder] ---> Java buildpack
[builder] ---> Installing JDK
[builder] gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
[builder] tar: Child returned status 1
[builder] tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[builder] ERROR: failed to build: exit status 2
ERROR: failed to build: executing lifecycle. This may be the result of using an untrusted builder: failed with status code: 145
run shell: pack build myapp --builder cnbs/sample-builder:bionic
error: ===> BUILDING [builder] ---> Java buildpack [builder] ---> Installing JDK [builder] [builder] gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file [builder] tar: Child returned status 1 [builder] tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now [builder] ERROR: failed to build: exit status 2 ERROR: failed to build: executing lifecycle. This may be the result of using an untrusted builder: failed with status code: 145