Acceptance CriteriaCase 1When I configure a CNB build template for knative that uses a persistent volume claim as an interbuild cache
And The build complete successfully
Then The cache from that build is available to the next build that uses the same PVC
Case 2When I configure a CNB build template for knative that uses a persistent volume claim as an interbuild cache
And The build fails or is otherwise interrupted at any point
Then The cache from that build is not available to the next build that uses the same PVC.
Acceptance Criteria Case 1 When I configure a CNB build template for knative that uses a persistent volume claim as an interbuild cache And The build complete successfully Then The cache from that build is available to the next build that uses the same PVC
Case 2 When I configure a CNB build template for knative that uses a persistent volume claim as an interbuild cache And The build fails or is otherwise interrupted at any point Then The cache from that build is not available to the next build that uses the same PVC.