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Update Dependabot config #266

Closed edmorley closed 8 months ago

edmorley commented 8 months ago

Dependabot updates for GitHub Actions are now enabled, for parity with the other repos.

In addition, Go minor/patch dependencies will now be grouped, using the new Dependabot grouping feature:

Major updates, as well as security updates will still be opened as separate PRs. I've not grouped GitHub Actions update PRs, since the volume is typically much lower for those.

Lastly, the schedule has been changed from daily to weekly.

This reduces project maintenance toil (no more having to manually create combined update PRs), plus makes it less painful for contributors to subscribe to repository notifications (currently there is a lot of noise from Dependabot PRs being opened/auto-rebased etc).

dmikusa commented 8 months ago

Presently we have this:

  1. Dependabot checks daily and sends PRs
  2. A workflow that checks Go modules weekly and sends a bulk update
  3. All workflows are managed by octo (which is part of

I agree that 1.) is unnecessary. It's rare that we have dependency updates, and most of the time, we merge in the weekly update from 2.) and that is sufficient to keep things up-to-date. I'd be fine turning this off.

The reason we don't use dependabot for weekly updates is that it's a job that we get free with octo pipelines, and it is a little more flexible. We can force it to run whenever, where dependabot runs on its own timeline, and also there were some dependencies that dependabot overlooks (I can't 100% remember off the top of my head, but I think it was transitive deps). We found it better to update modules directly every so often to make sure all the deps were being bumped.

The reason we don't use dependabot to keep workflows up-to-date is that octo does that (or rather it keeps them all in sync across all of the repos we use with octo, like libcnb, profile buildpack, and Paketo). If we turned this on, it would create a bot war with octo trying to change the versions one way and dependabot another.

edmorley commented 8 months ago

where dependabot runs on its own timeline,

Dependabot can be triggered manually fwiw (see

The rest of the points make sense - I'll close this given that this repo seems to be managed by other tooling then.

dmikusa commented 8 months ago

Oh, that's awesome about dependabot. Thanks for sharing that.