GIVEN I have the source code for a cloud native buildpack in a local directory on my machine
WHEN I run pack build <image-name> --buildpack <dir> --path <app source code>THEN my image will be built using the buildpack provided in the directory passed into the --buildpack flag
Can pass in multiple --buildpack flags
Uses a supported stack as defined by buildpack.toml of buildpack
If stack is not available on builder image - throw the following error -
Unsuccessfully built <image name>. Buildpack is not compatible with the builder image stack <stack ID>.
GIVEN I have the source code for a cloud native buildpack in a local directory on my machine WHEN I run
pack build <image-name> --buildpack <dir> --path <app source code>
THEN my image will be built using the buildpack provided in the directory passed into the--buildpack