buildpacks / samples

Samples for Cloud Native Buildpacks
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Error when building apps/java-maven #121

Closed pugangxa closed 2 years ago

pugangxa commented 2 years ago


[create] Paketo Maven Buildpack 6.5.1
[create]   Build Configuration:
[create]     $BP_MAVEN_BUILD_ARGUMENTS  -Dmaven.test.skip=true --no-transfer-progress package  the arguments to pass to Maven
[create]     $BP_MAVEN_BUILT_ARTIFACT   target/*.[ejw]ar                                       the built application artifact explicitly.  Supersedes $BP_MAVEN_BUILT_MODULE
[create]     $BP_MAVEN_BUILT_MODULE                                                            the module to find application artifact in
[create]     $BP_MAVEN_DAEMON_ENABLED   false                                                  use maven daemon
[create]     $BP_MAVEN_POM_FILE         pom.xml                                                the location of the main pom.xml file, relative to the application root
[create]     Creating cache directory /home/cnb/.m2
[create]   Compiled Application: Contributing to layer
[create]     Executing mvnw --batch-mode -Dmaven.test.skip=true --no-transfer-progress package
[create]       Unable to parse command line options: Unrecognized option: --no-transfer-progress
[create]       usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]
[create]       Options:
[create]        -am,--also-make                        If project list is specified, also
[create]                                               build projects required by the
[create]                                               list
[create]        -amd,--also-make-dependents            If project list is specified, also
[create]                                               build projects that depend on
[create]                                               projects on the list
[create]        -B,--batch-mode                        Run in non-interactive (batch)
[create]                                               mode (disables output color)
[create]        -b,--builder <arg>                     The id of the build strategy to
pugangxa commented 2 years ago

Caused by the maven version, see