Open adshmh opened 3 weeks ago
A diagram to show the involved components and their relationship (this will copied to be part of the documentation once the reviews are complete):
flowchart TB
PubSub[(Messaging Platform / PubSub)]:::PubSub
GO((Gateway Operator)):::Admin
DP((Data Pipeline)):::Messaging
subgraph PI1["PATH Instance"]
MR[Metrics Reporter]:::Messaging
PME[Prometheus Metrics Endpoint]:::Path
QI3[QoS Instance]:::Path
PI3[Protocol Instance]:::Path
PI3 -- Relay Observations --> COO
QI3 -- QoS Observations --> COO
MR -- Metrics --> PME
COO -. Publishes 1 item per service request .-> PubSub
PubSub -. Published service requests .-> MR
PubSub -. Published Service Requests .-> DP
PME ----> | Metrics | GO
U ----> | Service Request | COO
classDef PubSub fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#333;
classDef Messaging fill:#b2f9fc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#333;
classDef Path fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#333;
classDef Admin fill:#ffcccb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#333;
classDef user fill:#aaaaaf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#333;
cc: @Olshansk @fredteumer @commoddity for review/discussion.
@adshmh I have not reviewed your diagram yet but I have updated the original PR description.
Overall, it is a good first step but:
Pubsub: Selection of a messaging platform as single source of truth for metrics and data pipeline(s): e.g. NATS, REDIS, etc.
I'm ASSUMING this is to enable down-the-line ETL pipelines with GCP. That's fine but MUST be called out explicitly. Otherwise, I see it as a premature optimization.
I believe THIS ticket should incorporate the scope of work to add a local grafana/prometheus/etc using Tilt. I believe this is something YOU should take on as part of this ticket. Non-trivial amount of work but we can reference & copy-paste poktroll. It'll be a good opportunity to get acquainted with local infra.
While working on this, I want us to define Identify, define & document the minimum viable set of metrics we need
together so we know what an end looks like. In particular, While working on (2), I'll help identify a target dashboard. When it's available on LocalNet, we'll mark this as complete.
My goal with these increased scope and requirements is to have a product w/ value at the end rather than just another infrastructural component.
Lmk if you have thoughts, questions, concerns, etc...
I realize this is a lot of work, but we have a good reference, and we will allocate time to it.
Create a metrics component to provide visibility into PATH operations. This should provide, at the minimum, visibility into:
Origin Document
This is required to make it feasible for a gateway operator to get insights into general pattern(s) of the requests being served, as well data specific to one or more services/blockchains.
It is also required for:
It should act as the foundation (future iterations) of:
Non-goals / Non-deliverables
Creator: [@adshmh ]