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Bounty (ask/bid) concept discovery #4

Closed kylemann closed 9 months ago

kylemann commented 1 year ago


Separate from the high level discovery, this is focused on prototyping out the bounty concept. The outcome should establish how it can / can't work and what a working v1 prototype could look like.

Ronald Coase, in "The Nature of the Firm" (1937), raised the question of why economic activities are sometimes organized within firms rather than conducted through the market. Today, especially in the realm of software development and beyond, we are witnessing a trend that suggests the decentralized market may be a more favorable environment for labor, both for the employer and the employee.

Moreover, the historical preference for full-time employment by firms has been driven by transaction costs such as hiring, onboarding, and acquiring system knowledge. However, this dynamic is also experiencing significant change. A trend that has persisted for decades is the inclination to hire ready-made employees, meaning that previously firms were willing to train employees for specific tasks. Nowadays, knowledge workers are often expected to be job-ready from day one without requiring additional training.

A "bounty" refers to a reward or payment offered for the completion of a specific task. This concept has a long history of use in various domains. In law enforcement, bounties have been used to apprehend wanted criminals or fugitives. Sales and finance industries offer bounties in the form of commissions for agents or brokers, as well as referral rewards. In wildlife conservation, bounties have been employed to protect livestock by incentivizing the removal of invasive species. Moreover, bounties play a significant role in modern software development, particularly in the detection of bugs and security vulnerabilities, with platforms like HackerOne leading the way.

Problem to Solve

Solution ideation

🎥 view video walkthrough

review notes Feedback from Jonny via 📽️ [video]( **Bounty walkthrough** - missing the minting NFT piece - @kylemann ToDo - what is the ask though? - we are working on other things, but interested in bounties - but let's put it in the Fabric design framework - @kylemann ToDo (@jnymck could invite to Figma design system) **Crowdfunding** - Feeling a bit unsure around this, specifically the crowdfunding of issue - Brainstorming the crowdfund vs bounty concept - is the crowdfund (for org) the stick and the bounty the (carrot) - from the developer point of view, they could crowdfund an issue, is that part of the thinking? (k: yes) - if yes, the criticism is it's less of a crowdfund and more a bid `ask` - k: 💯 didn't think about it in those terms, but yes, that's right and more clear - k: the part missing is the org / repo level crowdfunding opportunity