bukaleyang / zhongkui-waf

WAF based on lua-nginx-module.
Apache License 2.0
162 stars 37 forks source link

根据readme中的配置,无法启动 #20

Closed ShipinZ closed 1 year ago

ShipinZ commented 1 year ago


        lua_shared_dict dict_cclimit 10m;
        lua_shared_dict dict_accesstoken 10m;
        lua_shared_dict dict_blackip 10m;
        lua_shared_dict dict_locks 100k;
        lua_shared_dict dict_config 5m;
        lua_shared_dict dict_config_rules_hits 5m;
        lua_shared_dict dict_req_count 5m; 

        lua_package_path "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/?.lua;/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/lib/?.lua;;";
        init_by_lua_file  "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/init.lua";
        init_worker_by_lua_file /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/init_worker.lua;
        access_by_lua_file /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/waf.lua;
        body_filter_by_lua_file /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/body_filter.lua;
        header_filter_by_lua_file /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/header_filter.lua;
        log_by_lua_file /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/dashboard/count_traffic.lua;


2023/07/31 11:53:22 [notice] 13565#0: signal 1 (SIGHUP) received from 13618, reconfiguring
2023/07/31 11:53:22 [notice] 13565#0: reconfiguring
2023/07/31 11:53:22 [error] 13565#0: init_by_lua_file error: /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/lib/ip.lua:148: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'ipairs'
    /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/lib/ip.lua:148: in function 'mergeAndSort'
    /www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/init.lua:47: in main chunk
bukaleyang commented 1 year ago


ShipinZ commented 1 year ago


改了,这里是我完整的配置 config.lua

local _M = {}

local config = {
    -- Turn the waf on or off
    waf = "on",
    -- Specify the working mode of this waf,The following option characters are supported:
    -- monitor: Record attack logs but do not intercept attack requests
    -- protection: Intercept attack requests and record attack logs
    mode = "monitor",

    -- 开启规则自动排序,开启后按规则命中次数降序排序,可以提高拦截效率
    rules_sort = "off",
    -- 规则每隔多少秒排序一次
    rules_sort_period = 60,

    -- 攻击日志
    attackLog = "on",
    -- 攻击日志输出为json格式
    attackLog_json_format = "off",
    -- waf日志文件路径
    logPath = "/www/wwwlogs/hacklogs",
    -- 规则文件路径
    rulePath = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/rules",

    -- 开启ip地理位置识别
    geoip = "off",
    -- geoip数据文件路径
    geoip_db_file = "/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb",
    -- 允许哪些国家的ip请求,其值为大写的ISO国家代码,如CN,如果设置为空值则允许所有
    geoip_allow_country = {},
    -- geoip显示语言,默认中文
    geoip_language = "zh-CN",

    -- 开启ip白名单
    whiteIP = "on",
    -- ip白名单列表,支持网段配置,""或""
    ipWhiteList = {""},

    -- 开启ip黑名单
    blackIP = "on",
    -- ip黑名单列表,支持网段配置,""或"",也可以配置在./rules/ipBlackList文件中
    ipBlackList = {},

    -- url白名单
    whiteURL = "on",
    -- url黑名单
    blackURL = "on",

    -- http方法白名单
    methodWhiteList = {"GET","POST","HEAD"},
    -- 请求体检查
    requestBodyCheck = "off",
    -- 上传文件类型黑名单
    fileExtBlackList = {"php","jsp","asp","exe","sh"},
    -- 上传文件内容检查
    fileContentCheck = "off",

    -- cookie检查
    cookie = "off",

    -- bot管理
    bot = "off",
    -- 开启bot陷阱
    bot_trap = "off",
    -- 陷阱URI,隐藏在页面中,对普通正常用户不可见,访问此URI的请求被视为bot,建议安装后修改
    bot_trap_uri = "/zhongkuiwaf/honey/trap",
    -- 被陷阱捕获后的处置动作
    bot_trap_action = "deny",
    -- 访问陷阱URI后屏蔽ip
    bot_trap_ip_block = "off",
    -- ip禁止访问时间,单位是秒,如果设置为0则永久禁止
    bot_trap_ip_block_timeout = 60,

    -- cc攻击拦截
    cc_defence = "on",
    -- 浏览器验证失败几次后自动拉黑IP地址,需要将autoIpBlock设置为on
    cc_max_fail_times = 5,
    -- 处置动作超时时间,单位是秒
    cc_action_timeout = 60,
    -- 验证请求来自于真实浏览器后,浏览器cookie携带的访问令牌有效时间,单位是秒
    cc_accesstoken_timeout = 1800,

    -- 密钥,用于请求签名等,可任意修改,建议长度长一点
    secret = "2215D605B798A5CCEB6D5C900EE3585B",

    -- 敏感数据脱敏
    sensitive_data_filtering = "off",

    -- Redis支持,打开后请求频率统计及ip黑名单将从Redis中存取
    redis = "off",
    redis_host = "",
    redis_port = "6379",
    redis_passwd = "",
    redis_ssl = false,
    redis_pool_size = "10",
    -- Respectively sets the connect, send, and read timeout thresholds (in ms)
    redis_timeouts = "1000,1000,1000",

    -- 是否重定向
    redirect = "on",
    -- 非法请求将重定向的html
    redirect_html = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/redirect.html",

    -- 流量监控页面
    dashboard = "on",
    dashboard_html = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/dashboard.html"

function _M.get(option)
    return config[option]
-- Returns true if the config option is "on",otherwise false
function _M.isOptionOn(option)
    return config[option] == "on" and true or false

return _M

相关目录存在位置(我用root用户起的,所以应该不存在权限问题): image

ShipinZ commented 1 year ago


改了,这里是我完整的配置 config.lua

local _M = {}

local config = {
    -- Turn the waf on or off
    waf = "on",
    -- Specify the working mode of this waf,The following option characters are supported:
    -- monitor: Record attack logs but do not intercept attack requests
    -- protection: Intercept attack requests and record attack logs
    mode = "monitor",

    -- 开启规则自动排序,开启后按规则命中次数降序排序,可以提高拦截效率
    rules_sort = "off",
    -- 规则每隔多少秒排序一次
    rules_sort_period = 60,

    -- 攻击日志
    attackLog = "on",
    -- 攻击日志输出为json格式
    attackLog_json_format = "off",
    -- waf日志文件路径
    logPath = "/www/wwwlogs/hacklogs",
    -- 规则文件路径
    rulePath = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/rules",

    -- 开启ip地理位置识别
    geoip = "off",
    -- geoip数据文件路径
    geoip_db_file = "/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb",
    -- 允许哪些国家的ip请求,其值为大写的ISO国家代码,如CN,如果设置为空值则允许所有
    geoip_allow_country = {},
    -- geoip显示语言,默认中文
    geoip_language = "zh-CN",

    -- 开启ip白名单
    whiteIP = "on",
    -- ip白名单列表,支持网段配置,""或""
    ipWhiteList = {""},

    -- 开启ip黑名单
    blackIP = "on",
    -- ip黑名单列表,支持网段配置,""或"",也可以配置在./rules/ipBlackList文件中
    ipBlackList = {},

    -- url白名单
    whiteURL = "on",
    -- url黑名单
    blackURL = "on",

    -- http方法白名单
    methodWhiteList = {"GET","POST","HEAD"},
    -- 请求体检查
    requestBodyCheck = "off",
    -- 上传文件类型黑名单
    fileExtBlackList = {"php","jsp","asp","exe","sh"},
    -- 上传文件内容检查
    fileContentCheck = "off",

    -- cookie检查
    cookie = "off",

    -- bot管理
    bot = "off",
    -- 开启bot陷阱
    bot_trap = "off",
    -- 陷阱URI,隐藏在页面中,对普通正常用户不可见,访问此URI的请求被视为bot,建议安装后修改
    bot_trap_uri = "/zhongkuiwaf/honey/trap",
    -- 被陷阱捕获后的处置动作
    bot_trap_action = "deny",
    -- 访问陷阱URI后屏蔽ip
    bot_trap_ip_block = "off",
    -- ip禁止访问时间,单位是秒,如果设置为0则永久禁止
    bot_trap_ip_block_timeout = 60,

    -- cc攻击拦截
    cc_defence = "on",
    -- 浏览器验证失败几次后自动拉黑IP地址,需要将autoIpBlock设置为on
    cc_max_fail_times = 5,
    -- 处置动作超时时间,单位是秒
    cc_action_timeout = 60,
    -- 验证请求来自于真实浏览器后,浏览器cookie携带的访问令牌有效时间,单位是秒
    cc_accesstoken_timeout = 1800,

    -- 密钥,用于请求签名等,可任意修改,建议长度长一点
    secret = "2215D605B798A5CCEB6D5C900EE3585B",

    -- 敏感数据脱敏
    sensitive_data_filtering = "off",

    -- Redis支持,打开后请求频率统计及ip黑名单将从Redis中存取
    redis = "off",
    redis_host = "",
    redis_port = "6379",
    redis_passwd = "",
    redis_ssl = false,
    redis_pool_size = "10",
    -- Respectively sets the connect, send, and read timeout thresholds (in ms)
    redis_timeouts = "1000,1000,1000",

    -- 是否重定向
    redirect = "on",
    -- 非法请求将重定向的html
    redirect_html = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/redirect.html",

    -- 流量监控页面
    dashboard = "on",
    dashboard_html = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/dashboard.html"

function _M.get(option)
    return config[option]
-- Returns true if the config option is "on",otherwise false
function _M.isOptionOn(option)
  return config[option] == "on" and true or false

return _M

相关目录存在位置(我用root用户起的,所以应该不存在权限问题): image


bukaleyang commented 1 year ago

logPath = "/www/wwwlogs/hacklogs", -- 规则文件路径 rulePath = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/rules",
这两个路径后面带上 /

ShipinZ commented 1 year ago

logPath = "/www/wwwlogs/hacklogs", -- 规则文件路径 rulePath = "/www/server/nginx/zhongkui-waf/rules", 这两个路径后面带上 / ok,这样配置是可以启动成功了,但是现在有另一个问题,我需要安装什么前置依赖吗(目前我还没有开启redis和ip地理位置查询)? image

bukaleyang commented 1 year ago

我试了下,这个问题没有重现。有安装libmaxminddb库吗?不行你安装下,或者设置 geoip = "off"。

ShipinZ commented 1 year ago

我试了下,这个问题没有重现。有安装libmaxminddb库吗?不行你安装下,或者设置 geoip = "off"。

我使用的就是上面我发的的配置文件, geoip = "off"

ShipinZ commented 1 year ago

我试了下,这个问题没有重现。有安装libmaxminddb库吗?不行你安装下,或者设置 geoip = "off"。


bukaleyang commented 1 year ago
