bukka / php-fftw

PHP Wrapper for FFTW library
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roadmap #10

Closed rspadim closed 10 years ago

rspadim commented 10 years ago

just to log here (could put inside a TODO file)

this is the roadmap that we talked in email:

1) complex numbers "helpers" that's a feature that we "need", and php don't have, maybe we will create a complex solution to php-fftw, but since it's not a engeneer or scientific language, probably they (php developers) only will accept as a ext, instead of a standard lib, that what i think, but i could be wrong :), in this case probably they prefer R/scilab/mathlab or other engeneer/statistic/math language

with php-fftw we only need: 1.1) a php object to create complex numbers and 'send/receive' to/from fftw lib something like $complex->real, $complex->im, or an array? $complex[0] = real, $complex[1] = im? that's how fftw_complex save values (http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Complex-One_002dDimensional-DFTs.html#Complex-One_002dDimensional-DFTs) "The data is an array of type fftw_complex, which is by default a double[2] composed of the real (in[i][0]) and imaginary (in[i][1]) parts of a complex number. "

1.2) rectangular complex number to polar complex number (with this we can get phase and magnitude) must check if phase will use radian or degree, maybe two functions

1.3) polar complex number to rectangular complex number (with this we can get back from phase and magnitude and execute a inverse fft after a possible frequency (phase/mag) change) must check if phase will use radian or degree, maybe two functions

1.4) squared magnitude function to execute square(magnitude[i]) in each magnitude[] element, this will help spectral density applications

2) plans (create/destroy) <- must check the fftw_cleanup function and fftw_destroy_plan (issue #9)

3) 1d fft/dft, from real to complex, complex to complex

4/5) export/import wisdom (plans)

6) 2d / 3d fft/dft, here is something very important, 2d fft is used with images, here we should check if we could implement just one function or not (issue #8)

7) guru api? 8) full complex math? maybe other php-xxx ext including add/sub/mul/div/mod/real/imaginary/pow and others functions, more ideas here:

8.1)http://www.phpclasses.org/package/6193-PHP-Compute-the-Fast-Fourier-Transform-of-sampled-data.html#view_files 8.2)http://perldoc.perl.org/Math/Complex.html 8.3)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number 8.4)http://pear.php.net/package/Math_Complex

99999) nfft? i think too much for now, but it 's an interesting project, maybe others libs? ffts and others?

rspadim commented 10 years ago

sent a pull request of TODO file