bulik / ldsc

LD Score Regression (LDSC)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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unexpected keyword argument 'subset' #30

Closed nievergeltlab closed 9 years ago

nievergeltlab commented 9 years ago

I ran the following command:

python ldsc.py --h2 mydata.sumstats --ref-ld-chr eur_w_ld_chr/ --w-ld-chr eur_w_ld_chr/ --out myresults_ldsc

And got the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "ldsc.py", line 617, in sumstats.estimate_h2(args, log) File "/home/genetics/Desktop/ptsd_analysis_10/ldsc/ldscore/sumstats.py", line 258, in estimate_h2 args, log, args.h2) File "/home/genetics/Desktop/ptsd_analysis_10/ldsc/ldscore/sumstats.py", line 234, in _read_ld_sumstats sumstats = _read_sumstats(args, log, fh, alleles=alleles, dropna=dropna) File "/home/genetics/Desktop/ptsd_analysis_10/ldsc/ldscore/sumstats.py", line 165, in _read_sumstats sumstats = sumstats.drop_duplicates(subset='SNP') TypeError: drop_duplicates() got an unexpected keyword argument 'subset'

Any advice? Thanks

bulik commented 9 years ago

I think this means you're using an old version of pandas. From the command line, try pip install --upgrade pandas and see if that helps.

nievergeltlab commented 9 years ago

It worked. Thank you very much