Open jielab opened 3 years ago
I have got the same question, have you solved the question yet? if done, could you give me some advice, thank you!
The following code works fine now:
conda activate ldsc
dats="B C D E F G"
head_row=zcat $datf | head -1 | sed 's/\t/ /g'
; --chunksize 10000 --sumstats $dat.tmp.gz \
--merge-alleles $ldscdir/w_hm3.snplist --out $dat \
--snp SNP --a1 EA --a2 NEA --ignore SNPID,OR \
--signed-sumstats BETA,0 --p P --N 100000
echo $dat $dats | sed -e 's/ /.sumstats.gz,/g' -e 's/$/.sumstats.gz/' | \ xargs -n1 -I % --rg % --out $dat.rg \ --ref-ld-chr $ldscdir --w-ld-chr $ldscdir
Hi, guys:
I am still confused with 2 basic things when running LDSC.
If my GWAS have BETA, SE, Z, OR, how should I specify --signed-sumstats? Should it be "BETA,0" or "Z,0" or "OR,1"? Will this affect my output *.sumstats.gz file and downstream LDSC analysis? I know some software such as GCTA requires "Z" but NOT "BETA".
For the example below, why eur_w_ld_chr is specified twice? If I change the second one to "--w-ld-chr weights_hm3_no_hla/", I get IndexError: list index out of range. What is happening here?
For the analysis below, why the heritability of phentoype 1 is negative, and the genetic correlation is NA NA NA.
Your clarification is appreciated!
Best regards, Jie