bulletmark / libinput-gestures

Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput
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Moving screen while touching vs moving at release. #270

Closed gaspar-d closed 4 years ago

gaspar-d commented 4 years ago

Hi Mark

I can't found a answer to this on google, I saw videos of some people using gestures on Gnome and the transition between workspaces was similar as a smartphone, with the screen moving together with your fingers movement.

But in my Manjaro Gnome 3.36 xorg the action begin as soon as I release the touch, for example: swipe 3 fingers down and keep the touch, nothing happens, release the touch the workspace change.

It's only a cosmetic behavior, but I'm curious of the why.

libinput-gestures: session gnome+x11 on Linux-5.6.16-1-MANJARO-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5, python 3.8.3, libinput 1.15.5 /usr/bin/libinput-gestures: hash b1fb733b08ae7c49c1660382dd44a5ed Gestures configured in ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf: swipe up 3 xdotool key control+alt+Down swipe down 3 xdotool key control+alt+Up swipe left 3 xdotool key super+Tab swipe right 3 xdotool key super+Tab swipe left 4 xdotool key control+shift+Tab swipe right 4 xdotool key control+Tab swipe up 4 xdotool key XF86AudioRaiseVolume swipe down 4 xdotool key XF86AudioLowerVolume pinch in 4 xdotool key super+s pinch out 4 xdotool key super+s pinch in 3 xdotool key control+minus pinch out 3 xdotool key control+plus swipe_threshold 100 libinput-gestures: device /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:15.1-platform-i2c_designware.1-event-mouse(event11): ELAN1200:00 04F3:303E Touchpad

bulletmark commented 4 years ago

I am unclear what your question is. I think you are asking why the libinput-gestures swipe action to change workspaces is different to the native Wayland swipe action? As it says in the documentation, Wayland implements swiping between desktops natively using 4 finger swipes up and down. They have implemented that internally as a gradual transition (like Windows and Mac) but libinput-gestures is a just a simple utility which actions a single command at the end of a swipe or pinch sequence which is why it just switches immediately.

Note you are best to change your swipe up and down 3 finger gestures to the default configurations which are:

swipe up   3 _internal ws_up
swipe down 3 _internal ws_down

The above configuration will work the same as the xdotool command on Xorg you are using but the _internal command will also work if you log in using Wayland. Note thatxdotool does not work for Wayland desktop or Wayland native apps. If you change that, disable the other swipe up/down for 4 fingers, and log in using Wayland then you can compare the 2 approaches. Note that only laptops of the last 4 years or so can recognise 4 finger touchpad gestures so I have only started trying the Wayland native 4 finger swipe recently and to be honest I still personally favor the 3 finger swipe using libinput-gestures as it just seems snappier to me.

gaspar-d commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't know this feature is a native from wayland, never used wayland because I hear about issues with nvidia gpu proprietary drivers.

Know I got how stupid my question was.

BTW, thanks for the advices about my config, I'm doing the changes right now.

bulletmark commented 4 years ago

Just log out of your current GNOME session, select Wayland from the bottom gear option, then log back in again. Then compare the 4 finger native swipe with the 3 finger swipe and see the difference.

gaspar-d commented 4 years ago

I don't have Wayland option, maybe because my proprietary driver, I can just use gnome and gnome classic.

But, something new just happened, I shutdown my laptop yesterday and when I turned him on today I lost my clicks on touchpad and the scroll is reversed, I thought it's some misconfiguration because of gestures but noticed that some gnome extensions disappeared too.

So I'll try to solve this mistery and after that change my driver's and give Wayland a try.

Thanks for the help and advices.