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Recovering joint origin (Problem with of joint frame orientation) #3253

Closed jmainpri closed 3 years ago

jmainpri commented 3 years ago


I am trying to recover the orientation of the joint origin in the URDF file by doing:

 info = p.getJointInfo(robot_id, i)
 state = p.getLinkState(robot_id, i - 1)
 t_com_l = transform_pyb(state[2], state[3])
 t_joint = transform_pyb(info[14]), info[15])
 origin = t_com_l @ t_joint

transform_pyb just creates a 4x4 homogenous transformation.

But the orientation info[15] in the transformation does not match the origin of the joint in the URDF. The resulting position in origin is ok.

I run out of ideas to go further apart from reading the C++ code. Is it a bug in my version of pybullet? Do I miss something? Are orientations and positions handled differently?

erwincoumans commented 3 years ago

Can you provide a small full working script, together with a specific URDF file, so someone maybe able to verify? (PyBullet has a few rudimentary methods such as pybullet.multiplyTransforms and pybullet.inverseTransform if needed) I doubt this is a bug, but the joint frame could be re-aligned, since URDF and PyBullet have different conventions, but it shouldn't affect joint angles or world-space coordinates.

erwincoumans commented 3 years ago

Another thing that may help, read and write the URDF file using the PyBullet UrdfEditor, it may re-align the joint frame as it us used internally:

Run this script (replace capsule.urdf with your robot)

from pybullet_utils import bullet_client as bc
from pybullet_utils import urdfEditor as ed
import pybullet
import pybullet_data
import time

p0 = bc.BulletClient(connection_mode=pybullet.DIRECT)

kuka = p0.loadURDF("capsule.urdf")

ed0 = ed.UrdfEditor()
ed0.initializeFromBulletBody(kuka, p0._client)


(this script requires a reasonably recent updated pip install pybullet)