I am trying do RL with deformable objects in pybullet. I first try to the code of "kukaGymEnv.py" by sample code in pybullet_env.
I replaced the robotics arm's target "self.blockUid" from a rigid object block.urdf ,
to others rigid object is good, but to a deformable one _torusdeform.urdf get the trouble.
I could run loadURDF call _torusdeform.urdf well in pybullet general codes, only get the "pybullet.error:Cannot load URDF " file while run the spinning up RL training.
I use loadSoftBody faced the same problem, it's usually fine, only when run the spinning up RL training get the error.
I want to know what is the difference between the use of deformable objects in this environment and the general rigid body?
Or is it that deformable objects cannot exist in this environment?
I am trying do RL with deformable objects in pybullet. I first try to the code of "kukaGymEnv.py" by sample code in pybullet_env.
I replaced the robotics arm's target "self.blockUid" from a rigid object block.urdf , to others rigid object is good, but to a deformable one _torusdeform.urdf get the trouble.
I could run loadURDF call _torusdeform.urdf well in pybullet general codes, only get the "pybullet.error:Cannot load URDF " file while run the spinning up RL training. I use loadSoftBody faced the same problem, it's usually fine, only when run the spinning up RL training get the error.
I want to know what is the difference between the use of deformable objects in this environment and the general rigid body? Or is it that deformable objects cannot exist in this environment?
Thanks for answering.