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Conveyor belts and combined drift speed: wrong speed result #4581

Open pasqualemilano opened 4 months ago

pasqualemilano commented 4 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/discussions/4577

Originally posted by **pasqualemilano** February 19, 2024 Hi, this is the first time I post here: I've been working with bullet for some time, I use it for testing some parcel behavior running on Conveyor belts: I already read and follow suggestions from forum (something like: https://pybullet.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=6730) and engine work well. Recently I found out a really weird case, which seems more like a bug than a my code error. In this explanation I'll try to simplify as much as possible: As I told before, **standard belts with bullets work fine**. Then I try to use a belt applying a drift angle, and again **everything works fine**. In the following image there are two belts with drift angle and no drift angle: the behavior is exactly what I expect: ![sample1](https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/assets/77006092/28a8d14e-d166-40fc-9c3d-0cfb53f5a82c) Then I try to simulate TWO drift belt that works in opposite drift, at the same speed and a parcel on it exactly on the middle: ![sample2](https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/assets/77006092/6845ff8c-1245-4881-a929-795f2a9cb5c8) The combined speed result faster than the speed applied. I also check if negative drift can mess up something, but working exactly like positive drift. Then I Ask to a friend to recreate the same case on a commercial software that use the same bullet engine: "Emulate3D" (actually the screenshot are from that software, is very simple generate a similar case): again the same problem. This commercial software handle different engines, so we switch to another one and... the problem disappeared! ![sample3](https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/assets/77006092/019b58fe-4713-4dc9-b33e-dc82a9ed8686) I search into open issues if there is something related but I didn't find anything. This seems happen when the set of _btManifoldPoint_ of the same _rigidbody_ has different and partially conflictual direction (_m_lateralFrictionDir1_) I can show you my code (that is inspired to the code suggested in the link that I wrote at the beginning of the post) but after the last "external" test I start to exclude the coding error and think about the engine bug. Anyway I am available for any clarification. thanks