Open Dani-v-tue opened 8 months ago
That variable does not actually control the various remappings.
All it does is control whether these are set:
if g:bullets_set_mappings
" Automatic bullets
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'imap', '<cr>', '<Plug>(bullets-newline)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'inoremap', '<C-cr>', '<cr>')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'nmap', 'o', '<Plug>(bullets-newline)')
" Renumber bullet list
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'vmap', 'gN', '<Plug>(bullets-renumber)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'nmap', 'gN', '<Plug>(bullets-renumber)')
" Toggle checkbox
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'nmap', '<leader>x', '<Plug>(bullets-toggle-checkbox)')
" Promote and Demote outline level
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'imap', '<C-t>', '<Plug>(bullets-demote)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'nmap', '>>', '<Plug>(bullets-demote)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'vmap', '>', '<Plug>(bullets-demote)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'imap', '<C-d>', '<Plug>(bullets-promote)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'nmap', '<<', '<Plug>(bullets-promote)')
call s:add_local_mapping(1, 'vmap', '<', '<Plug>(bullets-promote)')
We need to add a proper function to set / unset the various automatic mappings on
When I try to disable custom keymaps and set my own mapping for
it breaks since the keymaps do not get disabled.for example:
This remap will work fine in most files, except
(that I tested)The issue resolves itself when I uninstall the plugin.
Does anyone perhaps know what is causing this?