bullets-vim / bullets.vim

🔫 Bullets.vim is a Vim/NeoVim plugin for automated bullet lists.
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Bullets.vim breaks <CR> mappings from other plugins #43

Open nkakouros opened 4 years ago

nkakouros commented 4 years ago

I have the following plugins enabled:


When a fenced code block editing a markdown file, eg python, ncm2 provides completions some of which are snippets. When I select a snippet in the popup menu and hit Enter, I normally expect the snippet to expand. However, with bullets.vim enabled, the expansion does not happen.

Other plugins like endwise and autopairs append their mapping to the user's <CR> mapping.

I also tried to disable the <CR> mapping of bullets.vim and call some function from the plugin to trigger list completion, but the functions are not available as they are script local.

dkarter commented 4 years ago

@nkakouros would you be interested in opening a PR to fix that?

mawkler commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with bullet.vim and vim-clap. Pressing <cr> to select an item with vim-clap does nothing when bullet.vim is installed. Adding let g:bullets_set_mappings = 0, or removing bullets.vim solves the issue, which is why I'm suspecting the <cr> mapping.

To reproduce:

  1. .vimrc:

    call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
    Plug 'liuchengxu/vim-clap'
    Plug 'dkarter/bullets.vim'
    call plug#end()
  2. :Clap files

  3. Press <cr> on any match. Nothing happens.