bullhorn / career-portal

A Bullhorn Platform SDK app that allows candidates to search for and apply to jobs.
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Career Portal page blank. No Content #174

Closed arnatusc closed 6 years ago

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Followed the configuration process to up date my portal site after I migrated my hosting over to Windows hosting service on GoDaddy. Created a new sub-domain http://jobs3.hsf.io , uploaded all contents of career-portal-v2.5.1 folder and when you go to the new sub-domain, I am seeing The Bullhorn logo and Career Portal in the chrome in my Chrome browser but none of my job content is appearing.

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am personally not seeing anything currently, are you sure everything is uploaded?

After that, have you published your jobs yet? That is how you make your jobs available to the public.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Back Story-

Previously had jobs.hsf.io as a seperate domain hosted and publishing all my jobs.

As of yesterday shut down jobs.hsf.io. Created subdomain under hsf.io called jobs3.hsf.io, uploaded files, etc and not working.

Not seeing anything as in you are not seeing the Config Files uploaded? I used my GoDaddy hosting control panel to upload everything and seems to be in there just fine.

Plenty of published jobs should be showing up. -Andy

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:13 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello, I am personally not seeing anything currently, are you sure everything is uploaded?

After that, have you published your jobs yet? That is how you make your jobs available to the public.

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charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

I am currently receiving 404 errors on the CSS and Javascript files necessary for displaying the page

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Sorry I am not following you. Translation? What's the fix? Upload my files again? Or something else.

-- Andy Natusch Owner & Principal Recruitment Consultant HSF Consulting (415) 599-0255 www.hsf.io andy@hsf.io

[image: www.linkedin.com/in/andyhsfio/] http://www.linkedin.com/in/andyhsfio/

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

I am currently receiving 404 errors on the CSS and Javascript files necessary for displaying the page

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-354918763, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCEdDUKDMo4p7-8MAXrWa-L1wJ0Ryks5tGtYHgaJpZM4RRQJf .

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Here is a screen shot of what I uploaded.


This was the contents of the edited Career-portal V2.5.1 folder.

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

I am currently receiving 404 errors on the CSS and Javascript files necessary for displaying the page

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

It seems as if your files are not all uploaded. You may want to contact your website's support to receive assistance with uploading all of the files so they can be accessible by the public.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Hey Charles-

Did you see the screen shot I sent you? The screen shot shows that all the files uploaded. Did it not? Please confirm.

As for support, there is none, it's just me so I really appreciate the help in sorting this out. Seems I am 80% of the way there just have something that's hanging up.


On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

It seems as if your files are not all uploaded. You may want to contact your website's support to receive assistance with uploading all of the files so they can be accessible by the public.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-354920773, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCDVRvG9ewt3FQMTvg8SxDQCEKbDdks5tGtoTgaJpZM4RRQJf .

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

Hello, by your website's support I mean Godaddy as the files are still not showing as present at the specified location. After taking a second look at the screenshot provided I noticed that you have none of the necessary files that are located in directories within the career portal release download.

There are contents that needs to be uploaded from the assets, fonts, res, scripts, and styles directories that are not currently present.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

I was able to upload all the files.

Screen shot here: https://goo.gl/hESzyY https://goo.gl/vAz88x

Attached PDF is what my json.app file looks like.

Career Portal still not working.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 9:14 AM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello, by your website's support I mean Godaddy as the files are still not showing as present at the specified location. After taking a second look at the screenshot provided I noticed that you have none of the necessary files that are located in directories within the career portal release https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/releases/download/v2.5.1/career-portal-v2.5.1.zip download.

There are contents that needs to be uploaded from the assets, fonts, res, scripts, and styles directories that are not currently present.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355068845, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCLBUBcnyQOR2rB2MqpPH5cbIzyp9ks5tG7WAgaJpZM4RRQJf .

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

You are almost there! looks like the MIME Type of json is currently not active on the webserver. I would suggest contacting Godaddy support for enabling this as this can be different on each vendor.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Just so nothing gets lost in translation, what specifically should I tell/ask Godaddy? If you could please let me know I'll just read what you write to them verbatim. Thanks!

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

You are almost there! looks like the MIME Type of json is currently not active on the webserver. I would suggest contacting Godaddy support for enabling this as this can be different on each vendor.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355075709, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCC8KisJR-tL5kqxqhSHEotMMgRpOks5tG7uKgaJpZM4RRQJf .

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

I've located where I can enable the MIME type. What is the MIME type? For example: text/plain .mytxt image/jpeg .myjpeg

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

That's not an option. Here's my options:

text/h323 .323 video/3gpp2 .3g2 video/3gpp .3gp video/3gpp2 .3gp2 video/3gpp .3gpp video/x-ivf .IVF audio/aac .aac application/octet-stream .aaf application/octet-stream .aca application/msaccess .accdb application/msaccess .accde application/msaccess .accdt application/internet-property-stream .acx audio/vnd.dlna.adts .adt audio/vnd.dlna.adts .adts application/octet-stream .afm application/postscript .ai audio/x-aiff .aif audio/aiff .aifc audio/aiff .aiff application/x-ms-application .application image/x-jg .art application/octet-stream .asd video/x-ms-asf .asf application/octet-stream .asi text/plain .asm video/x-ms-asf .asr video/x-ms-asf .asx application/atom+xml .atom audio/basic .au video/avi .avi application/olescript .axs text/plain .bas application/x-bcpio .bcpio application/octet-stream .bin image/bmp .bmp text/plain .c application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed .cab application/vnd.ms-office.calx .calx application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat .cat application/x-cdf .cdf application/octet-stream .chm application/x-java-applet .class application/x-msclip .clp image/x-cmx .cmx text/plain .cnf image/cis-cod .cod application/x-cpio .cpio text/plain .cpp application/x-mscardfile .crd application/pkix-crl .crl application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt application/x-csh .csh text/css .css application/octet-stream .csv application/octet-stream .cur application/x-director .dcr application/octet-stream .deploy application/x-x509-ca-cert .der image/bmp .dib application/x-director .dir text/xml .disco application/x-msdownload .dll text/xml .dll.config text/dlm .dlm application/msword .doc application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12 .docm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .docx application/msword .dot application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12 .dotm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template .dotx application/octet-stream .dsp text/xml .dtd application/x-dvi .dvi video/x-ms-dvr .dvr-ms drawing/x-dwf .dwf application/octet-stream .dwp application/x-director .dxr message/rfc822 .eml application/octet-stream .emz application/vnd.ms-fontobject .eot application/postscript .eps text/x-setext .etx application/envoy .evy application/octet-stream .exe text/xml .exe.config application/vnd.fdf .fdf application/fractals .fif application/octet-stream .fla x-world/x-vrml .flr flv-application/octet-stream .flv image/gif .gif application/x-gtar .gtar application/x-gzip .gz text/plain .h application/x-hdf .hdf text/x-hdml .hdml application/x-oleobject .hhc application/octet-stream .hhk application/octet-stream .hhp application/winhlp .hlp application/mac-binhex40 .hqx application/hta .hta text/x-component .htc text/html .htm text/html .html text/webviewhtml .htt text/html .hxt image/x-icon .ico text/calendar .ics image/ief .ief application/x-iphone .iii application/octet-stream .inf application/x-internet-signup .ins application/x-internet-signup .isp application/java-archive .jar application/octet-stream .java application/liquidmotion .jck application/liquidmotion .jcz image/pjpeg .jfif application/octet-stream .jpb image/jpeg .jpe image/jpeg .jpeg image/jpeg .jpg application/javascript .js text/jscript .jsx application/x-latex .latex application/x-ms-reader .lit application/octet-stream .lpk video/x-la-asf .lsf video/x-la-asf .lsx application/octet-stream .lzh application/x-msmediaview .m13 application/x-msmediaview .m14 video/mpeg .m1v video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts .m2ts audio/x-mpegurl .m3u audio/mp4 .m4a video/mp4 .m4v application/x-troff-man .man application/x-ms-manifest .manifest text/plain .map application/x-msaccess .mdb application/octet-stream .mdp application/x-troff-me .me message/rfc822 .mht message/rfc822 .mhtml audio/mid .mid audio/mid .midi application/octet-stream .mix application/x-smaf .mmf text/xml .mno application/x-msmoney .mny video/quicktime .mov video/x-sgi-movie .movie video/mpeg .mp2 audio/mpeg .mp3 video/mp4 .mp4 video/mp4 .mp4v video/mpeg .mpa video/mpeg .mpe video/mpeg .mpeg video/mpeg .mpg application/vnd.ms-project .mpp video/mpeg .mpv2 application/x-troff-ms .ms application/octet-stream .msi application/octet-stream .mso application/x-msmediaview .mvb application/x-miva-compiled .mvc application/x-netcdf .nc video/x-ms-asf .nsc message/rfc822 .nws application/octet-stream .ocx application/oda .oda text/x-ms-odc .odc application/oleobject .ods audio/ogg .oga video/ogg .ogg video/ogg .ogv application/onenote .one application/onenote .onea application/onenote .onepkg application/onenote .onetmp application/onenote .onetoc application/onenote .onetoc2 application/opensearchdescription+xml .osdx font/otf .otf application/pkcs10 .p10 application/x-pkcs12 .p12 application/x-pkcs7-certificates .p7b application/pkcs7-mime .p7c application/pkcs7-mime .p7m application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp .p7r application/pkcs7-signature .p7s image/x-portable-bitmap .pbm application/octet-stream .pcx application/octet-stream .pcz application/pdf .pdf application/octet-stream .pfb application/octet-stream .pfm application/x-pkcs12 .pfx image/x-portable-graymap .pgm application/vnd.ms-pki.pko .pko application/x-perfmon .pma application/x-perfmon .pmc application/x-perfmon .pml application/x-perfmon .pmr application/x-perfmon .pmw image/png .png image/x-portable-anymap .pnm image/png .pnz application/vnd.ms-powerpoint .pot application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12 .potm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template .potx application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12 .ppam image/x-portable-pixmap .ppm application/vnd.ms-powerpoint .pps application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12 .ppsm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow .ppsx application/vnd.ms-powerpoint .ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12 .pptm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .pptx application/pics-rules .prf application/octet-stream .prm application/octet-stream .prx application/postscript .ps application/octet-stream .psd application/octet-stream .psm application/octet-stream .psp application/x-mspublisher .pub video/quicktime .qt application/x-quicktimeplayer .qtl application/octet-stream .qxd audio/x-pn-realaudio .ra audio/x-pn-realaudio .ram application/octet-stream .rar image/x-cmu-raster .ras image/vnd.rn-realflash .rf image/x-rgb .rgb application/vnd.rn-realmedia .rm audio/mid .rmi application/x-troff .roff audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin .rpm application/rtf .rtf text/richtext .rtx application/x-msschedule .scd text/scriptlet .sct application/octet-stream .sea application/set-payment-initiation .setpay application/set-registration-initiation .setreg text/sgml .sgml application/x-sh .sh application/x-shar .shar application/x-stuffit .sit application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slide.macroEnabled.12 .sldm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide .sldx audio/x-smd .smd application/octet-stream .smi audio/x-smd .smx audio/x-smd .smz audio/basic .snd application/octet-stream .snp application/x-pkcs7-certificates .spc application/futuresplash .spl audio/ogg .spx application/x-wais-source .src application/streamingmedia .ssm application/vnd.ms-pki.certstore .sst application/vnd.ms-pki.stl .stl application/x-sv4cpio .sv4cpio application/x-sv4crc .sv4crc image/svg+xml .svg image/svg+xml .svgz application/x-shockwave-flash .swf application/x-troff .t application/x-tar .tar application/x-tcl .tcl application/x-tex .tex application/x-texinfo .texi application/x-texinfo .texinfo application/x-compressed .tgz application/vnd.ms-officetheme .thmx application/octet-stream .thn image/tiff .tif image/tiff .tiff application/octet-stream .toc application/x-troff .tr application/x-msterminal .trm video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts .ts text/tab-separated-values .tsv application/octet-stream .ttf video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts .tts text/plain .txt application/octet-stream .u32 text/iuls .uls application/x-ustar .ustar text/vbscript .vbs text/x-vcard .vcf text/plain .vcs application/vnd.ms-visio.viewer .vdx text/xml .vml application/vnd.visio .vsd application/vnd.visio .vss application/vnd.visio .vst application/x-ms-vsto .vsto application/vnd.visio .vsw application/vnd.visio .vsx application/vnd.visio .vtx audio/wav .wav audio/x-ms-wax .wax image/vnd.wap.wbmp .wbmp application/vnd.ms-works .wcm application/vnd.ms-works .wdb video/webm .webm application/vnd.ms-works .wks video/x-ms-wm .wm audio/x-ms-wma .wma application/x-ms-wmd .wmd application/x-msmetafile .wmf text/vnd.wap.wml .wml application/vnd.wap.wmlc .wmlc text/vnd.wap.wmlscript .wmls application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc .wmlsc video/x-ms-wmp .wmp video/x-ms-wmv .wmv video/x-ms-wmx .wmx application/x-ms-wmz .wmz font/x-woff .woff application/vnd.ms-works .wps application/x-mswrite .wri x-world/x-vrml .wrl x-world/x-vrml .wrz text/xml .wsdl video/x-ms-wtv .wtv video/x-ms-wvx .wvx application/directx .x x-world/x-vrml .xaf application/xaml+xml .xaml application/x-silverlight-app .xap application/x-ms-xbap .xbap image/x-xbitmap .xbm text/plain .xdr application/xhtml+xml .xht application/xhtml+xml .xhtml application/vnd.ms-excel .xla application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12 .xlam application/vnd.ms-excel .xlc application/vnd.ms-excel .xlm application/vnd.ms-excel .xls application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12 .xlsb application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12 .xlsm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xlsx application/vnd.ms-excel .xlt application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12 .xltm application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template .xltx application/vnd.ms-excel .xlw text/xml .xml x-world/x-vrml .xof image/x-xpixmap .xpm application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument .xps text/xml .xsd text/xml .xsf text/xml .xsl text/xml .xslt application/octet-stream .xsn application/octet-stream .xtp image/x-xwindowdump .xwd application/x-compress .z application/x-zip-compressed .zip

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355107563, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCGKBfls0xsAwAkXQNZgr2SSkqDzgks5tG9izgaJpZM4RRQJf .

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

As previously mentioned, GoDaddy Support may be the best to reach for this to ensure this is done properly without negatively impacting the rest of your site as it does not have the required MIME type listed.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

I did contacted GoDaddy support and they got me to the point where I just need to select the MIME type. Beyond that there is nothing they can do as it's up to me to know which MIME type to use/. Are you saying if I cannot select application/json then I need to find a work around?

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 11:56 AM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

As previously mentioned, GoDaddy Support may be the best to reach for this to ensure this is done properly without negatively impacting the rest of your site as it does not have the required MIME type listed.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355110468, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCENbjQAnEd_fQNRERMnaK3MR9Rz8ks5tG9tvgaJpZM4RRQJf .

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

I contacted our support team who will be reaching out as soon as possible to get this resolved. This may require some additional troubleshooting that is best done over a screenshare.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Thanks Charles, still have not heard from support. Is there a reference number I can use if I call in?

-- Andy Natusch Owner & Principal Recruitment Consultant HSF Consulting (415) 599-0255 www.hsf.io andy@hsf.io

[image: www.linkedin.com/in/andyhsfio/] http://www.linkedin.com/in/andyhsfio/

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

I contacted our support team who will be reaching out as soon as possible to get this resolved. This may require some additional troubleshooting that is best done over a screenshare.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355116448, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCBf1ZuGCnk6Ng6woRIYFQs5CiUHXks5tG-E3gaJpZM4RRQJf .

charlesabarnes commented 6 years ago

Heya, I made sure that they reached out to you and looks like your portal is up and running feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.

arnatusc commented 6 years ago

Thanks for all the help. Fix was super easy. I thought I could only select the MIME type from the list but I could actually enter the MIME I needed into the Goddady list.

Just about to try and add the Apply with LinkedIn feature

On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 1:21 PM, Charles Barnes notifications@github.com wrote:

Heya, I made sure that they reached out to you and looks like your portal is up and running feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/bullhorn/career-portal/issues/174#issuecomment-355668645, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AhbTCDNtyAkygTVr5LghMVaSXXIMS1WJks5tHpJugaJpZM4RRQJf .