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Any plans for CLN support? #37

Open sethforprivacy opened 2 years ago

sethforprivacy commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

As a CLN user and someone who loves the simplicity of lnme, I'd love to be able to use it! Any plans for CLN support, either now via c-lightning-REST, or once CLNs API is official/live?

bumi commented 2 years ago

YES, plans are there. but time was lacking so far. I for sure would love to have it working for the different node backends.

sethforprivacy commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear it's on the radar! I'll tweet out about it and see if anyone can jump in to help, is sadly beyond my expertise but there aren't great non-custodial LN address tools available for CLN, and lnme seems the best of the bunch overall right now.

Very much looking forward to CLN support!