Closed cfhaak closed 11 months ago
On second thought: maybe fixing the mets on the fly isn't a bad idea if it works, since it isn't easy to decide, if an import worked without opening the document in the collection, due to the fact, that mets can be partially corrupted.
Set A: B-VG saubere Varaiante
Set B: Protokoll 7. Laenderkonferenz: bv_doc_id61 Protokoll 6. Laenderkonferenz: bv_doc_id60 Protokoll 4. Laenderkonferenz: bv_doc_id59 Protokoll 3. Laenderkonferenz: bv_doc_id58 Protokoll der 4. Sitzung des Subkomitees des Verfassungsausschusses vom 22. Juli 1920: bv_doc_id39 Protokoll 2. Laenderkonferenz 4. und 5. Jänner 1919 (partial): bv_doc_id57 Protokoll 1. Laenderkonferenz 23. November 1918 (partial): bv_doc_id__56
It's possible that there are more partially failed imports, but this is enough to test, if I can fix this in the fly by adding the links to the mets file.
I republished theses images to the viewer in goobi as suggested, and reimported them, but this didn't solve the issue.
Since one of the documents allready imported and transcribed was not cropped but the default upload (one image even with turned 180 degrees): @csae8092 are we supposed to use the defaults or the cropped ones for transcribing?
Ideally those Images which will be archived in arche
should import cropped images, need to investigate how import currently works with given packaged
this is the case, howerver some images are not cropped in goobi
it seems as if all issues are caused by goobi-workflows & need to be further investigated there
Set A:
Set B:
Still need to solve some of them, only way to do this is in goobi, since the processes there where messed up or failed due to the rather fragile systems. I will fix myself as long Jörg is on vacation, but on the long run, this should be handled by someone else.
In some cases the recent reimport (#10) failed. It seems the problem is caused by goobi not providing uniform files for some unknown reason. If images get referenced like that, the import fails:
Here it works.
Reason is the missing standard file-ptr in the mets. I probably could fix this, by just adding them to the file, since the corresponding files seem to exist. In some cases the files are even containing both kinds of links, faulty and working ones. Ich however will rather try to republish them in goobi.