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Buni Island - Towards the Bunicorn metaverse #5

Open phucnd opened 2 years ago

phucnd commented 2 years ago


It has been almost three months since the Bunicorn game's launch. There are golden lessons and insights we have learned along the way. Big applause to our community for your trust and support. And aiming to make Bunicorn metaverse long-lasting, we are willing to step up and pioneer in changing the user's perspective on NFT games. We invite all members to take a look at our new plan for the Bunicorn Game below and share with us your thoughts.

Firstly, let's examine the differences between a traditional gamer and a P2E gamer regarding playing motivation.

Secondly, we will look at the in-game economy of a traditional game vs. NFT game models.

For NFT games, there are mainly two types of “earning” models.

In a traditional game, the player almost has no ownership of the game, and the platform owner owns everything. With the “metaverse,” the ownership starts to be shifted to players, and this is almost a risk-free model for the platform owner as well because the value here is in the NFT itself, and they don’t need to worry about token inflation. The platform owner is able to generate most of the revenue from characters and lands NFT sales. The more content users create in the metaverse, the more value this virtual world will be.

Apart from the NFTs, the P2E model is players invest time and money to build a “team," complete quests, and earn winning tokens minted from the game. This partially gives players a portion of the game’s revenue. The rest of the revenue still belongs to the platform owner.

P2E games attempt to convert more people to investors/users and create more types of content and utilities for tokens at the same time. However, when the game peaks, the market starts getting saturated. It happens when the gameplay cannot be further exploited/developed quickly, the current users reach their maximum investment amount and stop spending on the game, and/or the number of new players decreases over time. Some approaches to pull up the token price, such as buyback and burning, are temporary solutions that rapidly erode the project's resources. Eventually, as a result, token price is about to go down due to the infinite minting mechanism being larger than the demand to purchase tokens for playing and upgrading the squad.

This kind of economic cycle happens to almost every market/product, including traditional games as well. So the goal is to make the upward period as long as possible and be able to recover after the crash. However, compared to many traditional games that lasted for more than 10 years, most P2E games are now in a very early stage to see the whole picture.

Bunicorn Card game is originally a click-to-earn game with simple content. Still, gradually, we will transform our gameplay into a different one that is more attractive and long-lasting. We are fully aware of the existing situation as there are some mistakes in the original design, such as consuming too much gas fee or the snowball oracle pushing us to go much faster. But yet, we’re still trying to overcome the issues at all costs. Therefore, in order to address the root of the problem, we would like to propose an improvement for the Bunicorn Card game. We aim to achieve the following goals:

Here is the game design that we’d like to propose: Buni Island. It is a simulation game that takes place in the Buniland where humans will occupy the planet, train the Bunicorns, farm crops, and fight to protect the land from opponents.

Buni Island


This 2-currency model is very popular in traditional games. Gold is the currency that a user generates via in-game content and spends to unlock and upgrade more content as they want to make progress in the game. However, the amount of Gold one player can produce is limited, and if they want to make progress faster, they need a second exclusive gem (BUR) that can be bought via IAP (In-App-Purchases). These purchases of gems through IAP are revenue of the game.



There are floating islands on the Buniland where humans occupy and train their Bunicorns. There are 7 islands for each player to expand and build their army called: Green, Lava, Water, Desert Krypton, Ice, and Fall.

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A new player joining the game will be given the first Green Island with some space to build their farms, home for Bunicorn, etc. As he progresses in the game, he can buy more building space across the islands using Gold or BUR. This mechanic is called Expansion.

Buildable Space

Each island has its own shape and size. The constructions such as Buni House, Farms, Training Centers, etc., will have sizes such as 4x4, 6x6 and can only be built on top of buildable space only.

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It will take time to build, but spending BUR can speed up the process. Low-level constructions only take a few seconds to build, but high-level ones might take longer.


There are trees, rocks, and other obstacles in these islands, and players need to pay a removal cost in Gold to regain the buildable space.

Removing an obstacle takes time, but you can use BUR to speed it up.


Players will receive decorative NFTs that they can place on the island to make it look better.

Buni House

Buni House is one kind of construction to build on the islands. It is the home of Bunicorns. Each Buni House has a limitation of how many Bunicorn and how much Gold it can store. Users will need to upgrade them to increase these limits.

Buni House also has elements. For example, a Fire Bunicorn can only live in a FireHouse. Users need to pay Gold to upgrade the Buni House at the first level, but high-level Houses need Elemental Stone to upgrade.

The number of Buni Houses one can possess depends on the user's level and the buildable space in his islands. Buying additional houses of the same type will be more expensive than the first one.


Apart from the rarity (star), Bunicorn will also have levels. To level up, you’ll need to feed them with food. The farm is another kind of construction where players can grow and harvest food to raise their Bunicorns. Users will need to pay Gold to grow food, and it takes time to be ready for harvest. Farms also have levels. And the higher level of farms, the more additional types of plants users can grow, and the more efficient the food production is on those farms. It costs BUR to level up your farm.

There is a limited number of farms one user can possess based on your user’s level.


Temple is a building on the island that can be bought using Gold. It has levels. The level of the Temple determines the maximum level of your Bunicorns. There is one requirement to upgrade a Temple: you need to possess at least several Bunicorns at the maximum level. And you need to pay the upgrading cost in Gold.

Training Centers

Training Center is a building on the island that will be unlocked once you reach a certain level. You pay Gold to buy the Training Center. You can use the Training Center to teach the Bunicorn stronger or learn new combat skills. The higher-level trainers will train a Bunicorn faster. A Bunicorn can only be trained after it reaches a certain level.

Breeding House

You can breed 2 Bunicorns to generate an Egg inside the Breeding House. Breeding takes time, especially when your Bunicorns level is higher. You can use BUR to speed up the breeding time. You can also spend BUR to level up the Breeding house to reduce the overall breeding time.


You can hatch an egg inside the hatchery to make a new Bunicorn. One hatchery has a maximum of eggs that can be hatched at the same time. You can level up your hatchery using BUR to increase this limit.

As hatching an egg takes time, you can speed it up using BUR too.


A Bunicorn will still have a rarity from 1 to 5 stars. One Bunicorn will have at least one element: Fire, Earth, Water, or Air. More elements might be added in the future as the game makes more progress. A hybrid Bunicorn may be born with more than one element from breeding.

A Bunicorn is hatched from an egg by breeding 2 Bunicorns (reached the minimum level) together. A separate proposal will cover the breeding structure, but it is similar to the Pokémon game. There is a limitation of how many times a Bunicorn can breed.

Each Bunicorn will have levels. You feed the Bunicorn with food to level up. Each Bunicorn will have a max level. The Temple determines the max level on your island and the power of the Bunicorn.

Each Bunicorn has an HP and a Damage stat to be used in battles. These stats are different in each Bunicorn depending on their rarity and levels.

Each Bunicorn has a power ranked from 0 to 5. You can use Soul Stone to upgrade the power. Upgrading power makes the Bunicorn stronger (increase HP, Damage) and increases its max level. If you have more than 1 Bunicorn of the same name, you can burn one of them to receive the Soul Stones.

A Bunicorn can generate Gold over time inside a Bunicorn House. Their rarity and their level will determine the amount of gold they produce.

Bunicorns also have skills. There are two types of skill: base skill, elemental skill. Elemental skill has elemental advantages in battles. You can train your Bunicorn inside the Training Center with new skills. Training each skill takes time, and during that time, the Bunicorn will not produce any Gold. You can speed up the training time by paying BUR or using a higher-level trainer.

Win Count: Each time your Bunicorn defeats another one in any battle, its win count will increase. Reaching a certain number of Win Counts will improve the HP and Damage stats.


Trainers are humans living together with their Bunicorns in the Buni Houses. If there is no trainer, one Bunicorn cannot produce gold alone. Each Trainer can spend up to 200 stamina (efforts) per day to collect the Gold produced by a Bunicorn and put them on the Buni House.

The player will assign each trainer to collect gold of 1 or multiple Bunicorns based on the stamina requirements above. A higher-level trainer will add a baseline of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, or 0.6 to the total amount of gold that one Bunicorn can produce. The baseline can be changed based on DAO voting.

A Trainer will earn XP as they work with the Bunicorn every day and train them in the Training Center. A Trainer will still have to fusion once they reach the checkpoint. If they are not fused at the checkpoint, their XP will stop accumulating.

A proposal about how to generate a new trainer will be in another thread.


Each quest consists of several stages and specific rewards. You need to win all the stages to get the rewards. If you fail at any stage, you can come back and play it again. After a stage or quest is cleared, you cannot play it again. Thus, having a strong squad of multiple Bunicorns is needed to clear all the quests.

There are some requirements to unlock a quest, including the level of user, level of your Bunicorns, element of your Bunicorn, etc.

PvP Arena

You will compete with other players’ Bunicorns to improve your ranking in the Arena leaderboard. The leaderboard will be divided into several tiers, and each tier will have a different set of rewards.

How does a player earn from the game?

There are two ways to earn money in this version:

Gold Halving Rate

In most P2E games, after possessing an NFT, you can mint the reward tokens forever at the same rate. This design makes it less attractive for new players because when a new player joins the game, they’re way behind an existing player in the game and hard to catch up. Let’s say an old player who has been in the game for three years. After the first three months with their investment, he had already profited from the game, but he’s still earning at the same rate for almost three years and more years to come, even though he stopped investing more.

We all know that P2E games, in general, share the income among players no matter how the economy is designed. As a result, the ones who enter the game early have more advantages than those who join late (or reinvest continuously).

To fix this problem, we’d like to propose a halving mechanism similar to Bitcoin Halving where the Gold production rate is reduced by a certain percent after a period if they stopped investing.

gold_amount_per_hour = halving_rate * gold_rate


To avoid a halving, users need to pay a certain amount of BUR before the halving milestone. The price might get more expensive when the Bunicorn becomes older. If he decides not to do that, the halving will be permanent and cannot be undone.

BUR distribution rule & savings fund

One question is how much BUR is distributed for players on a daily basis, and is it possible to calculate the correct ROI?

The simplest way is to distribute all the BUR every day to all players in the game based on their Gold production share. This way seems wrong because if there is no revenue today, there is no income for players. It’s like a one-day ROI, and new players need to share the revenue with previous users who have already got the principle back. Hence we’re not going to do that.

Instead, let’s say we want a 60-day ROI, then we will divide the rewards into 60 batches and give out each batch every day. Thus, after 60 days, the users get all the money they spent on the game except the burnt BUR.

However, what if there is no revenue for 60 days? Then there is no more money to distribute, right? Actually, it’s the same with a regular P2E game where the tokens are minted infinitely every day, so the liquidity of the pool will gradually be drained out after a certain period. The difference is a liquidity pool (let’s say Uniswap pool) is reduced following an AMM formula every day instead of a linear formula that comes to 0 after 60 days.

Thus, we’d like to propose a savings fund to collect a part of the BUR from the revenue when we see a spike in growth. When the game grows quickly or overheats, it’s better to save some revenue to a savings fund. Then when the revenue is in a downtrend, we can gradually spend some of it to cover up for a longer runway. We all need to prepare for the rainy days.

Here’s a draft formula of the savings fund: Every day, when calculating the rewards to be distributed, we first calculate the trend of revenue. There are three possibilities:

Is it possible to mint new BUR in the game?

BUR is not minted through the game but only burnt. However, in the future, a certain amount of BUR might be minted through the DAO voting if necessary and distributed partially for BUNI holders. The rest are pushed to the game via mining in Buni Lands. The landlord needs to hire other players to mine the BUR and share the resource together.

How does the platform owner earn from the game?

The platform owner will capture the commission (fee) in the NFT marketplace. The game itself is an economy that always has the demand to exchange assets. That’s the primary and only source of revenue for the platform owner.


So how can this model achieve all the goals?

Firstly, this is a simulation game where we begin to shape the Buniland with imaginative content of the metaverse such as islands, constructions, characters, and their daily lives. It is the first step before making Buniland more “hustle" with cities, factories, and residents in our second game. As stated above, there are many utilities for both Gold and BUR, and this model has been proven to generate good revenue from traditional games for many years.

Secondly, instead of using Gold as the payment token for players, we follow the same model with a traditional game that separates the in-game currency vs. the revenue. If Gold is the reward token in the P2E game, the players are more likely to withdraw and cash out instead of reinvesting in the game. However, in this version, Gold is the proportional share that measures how much BUR they will get compared to other players. The ultimate goal will be to produce as much Gold as possible. Players do not need to accumulate Gold but freely spend it on building inventory, upgrading Bunicorns or expanding their island, and so on.

The mood and approach have been changed from completing setup and cashing out to keeping exploring and mastering in the game to compete with other players because that’s how you make better money than others. If you stop at a fixed level, other players will outperform you and can earn more than you eventually. Thus, playing less but good accounts might be better than making clones. It still depends on the user's target and resource to design and execute a suitable game strategy.

Thirdly, the user now is the one who makes the NFT and sells it to others, not the platform owner. Hence, they are the content creator and the true owner of all the assets in the metaverse. Not just the NFT, now all the game’s revenue either comes back to them or gets burnt, so they own the revenue too. Platform owner only takes commissions from the trades.

Lastly, because BUR is not minted from the game anymore and 10% of the revenue in BUR will be burnt periodically, it will reduce the supply of BUR gradually.

Apart from the BUR income, the team will also add BUNI to the game via different contents, especially in the initial bootstrapping phase, making the initial ROI more attractive. The BUNI amount used to bootstrap will be decided later so that it benefits BUNI holders as well. It either comes from the current game’s treasury or our liquidity mining portion in the BUNI’s tokenomic.

While solving the problems of P2E games in general and proactively empowering users by encouraging them to embrace their rightful rights, we believe this new model will open a golden era for the Bunicorn Game and metaverse as a whole. On top of everything else, the vision shall only come to fruition with the community becoming united. Let’s walk on this trailblazing journey together, then to the metaverse and beyond!

rckycls commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the plan update. I just have a few questions.

gammaJPG commented 2 years ago

Why did you decide to implement a whole new island system, instead of just switching battle BUR to gold, with gold being used to upgrade equipment instead of buildings and ranking on the pvp used to determine the % of the reward pool you get allocated?

phucnd commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the plan update. I just have a few questions.

  • Is Buni Island somehow connected to our current Roadmap?
  • Is the Land Pre-sale equals to Buni Island
  • Are there going to be changes in the Roadmap because of this?
  • Do we have a projected/target date for this?

We are updating our roadmap with this change and will share it with you all early next week.

phucnd commented 2 years ago

Why did you decide to implement a whole new island system, instead of just switching battle BUR to gold, with gold being used to upgrade equipment instead of buildings and ranking on the pvp used to determine the % of the reward pool you get allocated?

Thanks for the suggestion, I think you've got the point of the new revenue sharing idea. However, apart from the revenue sharing, we also need more usecases of BUR as well. The current card game is too basic and BUR functions are very limited to the battle only. With Buni Island, it's a complex simulation of a real economy similar to a traditional game that has been proven with good revenue in the past.

trivia218 commented 2 years ago

This is a whole new system, practically a different game. How will the cardgame nfts be affected by this or will we be able to transfer our NFTs to this new metaverse?

phucnd commented 2 years ago

This is a whole new system, practically a different game. How will the cardgame nfts be affected by this or will we be able to transfer our NFTs to this new metaverse?

The current card game is too basic and was born to start the tokenomic mainly. Thus, it will eventually be replaced with this new one. You will be able to transfer your NFTs from the current card game to this new version. In the future, our vision is to have multiple games within the metaverse and users would be able to transfer the NFT among different games that they like. Hence, no matter how one particular game is performing, your NFT is still safe in the metaverse.

gammaJPG commented 2 years ago

The current card game is too basic and BUR functions are very limited to the battle only. With Buni Island, it's a complex simulation of a real economy similar to a traditional game that has been proven with good revenue in the past.

Yes, I understand that the current battles are too basic, I meant the upgraded pvp arena battles that had been proposed on BIP-1, along with the ecosystem that was vaguely introduced on BIP-5 . If implemented correctly, the equipment system with all the auxiliary items to be added to the game would not lose in complexity to this "buildings" concept. It was said that the pvp was good because it ignites the competitive side of players, which make them more likely to reinvest. From what i just read, this game mode can't be said to be too competitive by nature... at all. Even if there is an arena, the fact that the only reliable source of income is redistributed to player based on gold makes the arena secondary by nature. Can't say i'm too happy with this radical shift into a simulation game, in part because I had been imagining how the whole ecosystem would look surrounding the arena and i had been trying to polish some ideas in order to post them as suggestions. I hope you can reconsider whether this gameplay will be the most benefical as the core of the game (main earning mechanism).

phucnd commented 2 years ago

The current card game is too basic and BUR functions are very limited to the battle only. With Buni Island, it's a complex simulation of a real economy similar to a traditional game that has been proven with good revenue in the past.

Yes, I understand that the current battles are too basic, I meant the upgraded pvp arena battles that had been proposed on BIP-1, along with the ecosystem that was vaguely introduced on BIP-5 . If implemented correctly, the equipment system with all the auxiliary items to be added to the game would not lose in complexity to this "buildings" concept. It was said that the pvp was good because it ignites the competitive side of players, which make them more likely to reinvest. From what i just read, this game mode can't be said to be too competitive by nature... at all. Even if there is an arena, the fact that the only reliable source of income is redistributed to player based on gold makes the arena secondary by nature. Can't say i'm too happy with this radical shift into a simulation game, in part because I had been imagining how the whole ecosystem would look surrounding the arena and i had been trying to polish some ideas in order to post them as suggestions. I hope you can reconsider whether this gameplay will be the most benefical as the core of the game (main earning mechanism).

The PvP arena we proposed in BIP-1 will surely improve the current card game to a certain extent. However, we think it's alone not enough to drive the whole economy forward. In the new design, I think the arena still plays a very important role and it's not secondary by nature because it's the only way you can earn the stones needed to upgrade the Buni House, which is the way for having more Gold. Thus, all your ideas around it will still be useful I guess. One important thing in this design is the Bunicorn's level. It opens a way for users to expand their team vertically instead of just having more Bunicorn and trainers, making a core loop of expanding, upgrading, battle, and earning non-stop.

Guimz commented 2 years ago

You mention that players can earn by selling the NFTs on the market but what currency will they be selling for? We can’t do anything with gold apart from re-spend it in-game, so would we be selling it for BUR?

phucnd commented 2 years ago

You mention that players can earn by selling the NFTs on the market but what currency will they be selling for? We can’t do anything with gold apart from re-spend it in-game, so would we be selling it for BUR?

You sell it on the marketplace using BUNI. But if your NFT has value, it actually an asset on blockchain and can be transferred between addresses, then it can be exchanged in other currencies as well such as BNB, stablecoins... too

november8falls commented 2 years ago

I'm curious, I saw that there are 7 types of Islands to train our Bunicorn, Do they need specific elemental trainers and bunicorn to utilize the island or used them to train our bunicorn? What are the differences of each island and their benefits?

It says here: "A new player joining the game will be given the first Green Island" Is it free or do we need to buy it? How can we acquire these islands for starters? How much does it cost?

november8falls commented 2 years ago

A lot of players are complaining why the prices of bunicorn are going down. With the introduction of hatchery, Will this aggravate the market price of Bunicorn even more? I can't believe that some players are selling bunicorn with high stats with same element in the market place. I just saw a 4 star bunicorn sold at low price BUNI with high stat almost max and same elemental. Does the value of this bunicorn not worth it in the current game? I'm hoping you'll consider this to the metaverse so it doesn't go down like a pie, but rather treasured for its rarity and usefulness. I'm just too unlucky I wasn't able to buy it. I just miss it.

phucnd commented 2 years ago

I'm curious, I saw that there are 7 types of Islands to train our Bunicorn, Do they need specific elemental trainers and bunicorn to utilize the island or used them to train our bunicorn? What are the differences of each island and their benefits?

It says here: "A new player joining the game will be given the first Green Island" Is it free or do we need to buy it? How can we acquire these islands for starters? How much does it cost?

the first island is free, later islands you need to unlock using gold/bur. there are no elemental requirements for the islands but you need to unlock them in the respective orders and the price is higher after each one. the islands are different in terms of size, buildable space, and obstacle distributions only.

phucnd commented 2 years ago

A lot of players are complaining why the prices of bunicorn are going down. With the introduction of hatchery, Will this aggravate the market price of Bunicorn even more? I can't believe that some players are selling bunicorn with high stats with same element in the market place. I just saw a 4 star bunicorn sold at low price BUNI with high stat almost max and same elemental. Does the value of this bunicorn not worth it in the current game? I'm hoping you'll consider this to the metaverse so it doesn't go down like a pie, but rather treasured for its rarity and usefulness. I'm just too unlucky I wasn't able to buy it. I just miss it.

breeding cost money, so a new Bunicorn will only be minted if there are needs from other players. It means the market will determine its price and the supply of Bunicorn itself, not a fixed cost by the platform owner anymore. The rarity of Bunicorn will be kept the same as before because the possibility of getting a rare Bunicorn through breeding will still be the same. BTW, let's stick the discussion for this new proposal only, please do not distract the readers with prices or your personal emotion.

d00kSI commented 2 years ago

Why isn't there any mechanic to appreciate the value of old Bunicorns and trainers in the proposal? As I see, the value of the invested assets will even decrease further with gold halving and Bunicorn levels. People invested a lot of money in in-game assets to only see their value decrease further and further with time and being forced to reinvest before even closely reaching the ROI. At the present time, the value of Bunicorns is already down 6-times. It is understandable that the game needs reinvestments to grow but not by undermining the value of assets that early players hold.

This is not a distraction or personal emotions speaking but common sense. Please include some mechanics that will appreciate the investments of early adopters or you will lose them in favor of getting new ones (which will also leave if their assets are losing value with time). Most P2E games appreciate the value of assets with time, not undermine it, as it is often the early players that contribute the most to the game and seeing that they assets appreciate in price with time also makes them reinvest, not the other way around.

phucnd commented 2 years ago

Why isn't there any mechanic to appreciate the value of old Bunicorns and trainers in the proposal? As I see, the value of the invested assets will even decrease further with gold halving and Bunicorn levels. People invested a lot of money in-game assets to only see their value decrease further and further with time and being forced to reinvest before even closely reaching the ROI. At the present time, the value of Bunicorns is already down 6-times. It is understandable that the game needs reinvestments to grow but not by undermining the value of assets that early players hold.

The old Bunicorn/Trainers are the genesis ones in the metaverse. It means you are the only ones who have the NFTs and new players have to buy from you or the one you generated through breeding. You also have more advantages than new players because you have already mint BUR from the current game while new players start later but they have the same halving rate as you when the new game start. Isn't that more than fair or appreciated?

The halving rate will be determined by DAO so that we all can stabilize the ROI or get back the principle but still attractive with new players. Thus, the ones who join the game later like you (who might also joined the game later than the ones who have already reached their ROI), wouldn't need to tell these stories again.

d00kSI commented 2 years ago

Yes, this could potentially work once the market filled with low-priced Bunicorns is sold out and there are no more to buy, so I hope the island comes after that.

I was here from the start though and not really sure there are many people who reached the ROI already. I guess there might be a few whales who are the only ones still getting huge rewards. My estimated ROI (if prices don't go down further) is however at least 250 days. I really hope there won't be a need to tell such stories in the future.

november8falls commented 2 years ago

"To avoid a halving, users need to pay a certain amount of BUR before the halving milestone. The price might get more expensive when the Bunicorn becomes older. If he decides not to do that, the halving will be permanent and cannot be undone."

  1. Did I read or understand this correctly? so, this is like a tax on bunicorn for earning GOLD as we progress?

  2. In addition, what are other ways to earn gold aside from the bunicorn house?

  3. "The amount of Gold one player can produce is limited, and if they want to make progress faster, they need a second exclusive gem (BUR) that can be bought via IAP (In-App-Purchases)." Follow up question: Is the gold really limited per account that he is required to use BUR? Or are you trying to say that it is only limited per day.

  4. Is it possible for a player to progress in the game without spending bur to build but gold only? I know it is slow, but is it possible? Can we trade gold to other players? Can they earn money trading gold just like the traditional games. I'm just trying to look for the metaverse weak points, which might help the developers in their future plans.

phucnd commented 2 years ago

"To avoid a halving, users need to pay a certain amount of BUR before the halving milestone. The price might get more expensive when the Bunicorn becomes older. If he decides not to do that, the halving will be permanent and cannot be undone."

  1. Did I read or understand this correctly? so, this is like a tax on bunicorn for earning GOLD as we progress?
  2. In addition, what are other ways to earn gold aside from the bunicorn house?
  3. "The amount of Gold one player can produce is limited, and if they want to make progress faster, they need a second exclusive gem (BUR) that can be bought via IAP (In-App-Purchases)." Follow up question: Is the gold really limited per account that he is required to use BUR? Or are you trying to say that it is only limited per day.
  4. Is it possible for a player to progress in the game without spending bur to build but gold only? I know it is slow, but is it possible? Can we trade gold to other players? Can they earn money trading gold just like the traditional games. I'm just trying to look for the metaverse weak points, which might help the developers in their future plans.
  1. Not really, it's just you getting less when the Bunicorn is getting old. The speed of getting old is TBD and Dao Vote. The ultimate goal is after you get the ROI, you'lll get less and new players who have just joined the game can catch up.
  2. No other way.
  3. Limited per: your Bunicorn (each one have a fixed gold production rate based on the rarity and level), your trainer, your house, the number of Bunicorn you have in all your islands, the number of house you have because each house can store up to certain Bunicorn, the max cap a house can store gold...
  4. Yes it is still possible but slow. Some action requires BUR/Stone only.
aluminick commented 2 years ago

Will the card game be removed because of this? If so, did you get carried away by your emotion because the price keeps going down? FYI, the whole market is going down.

I don't think you think this through. If you can't stick to the roadmap, then why would we trust you to stick on this one? You can't just change it like that, there are so many players who did not get the ROI yet (And also I like the card game because it's easy to play). I don't think you care about your players. You just wanna show off your ideas.

Just because you have amazing ideas does not mean you should implement it all the time. I repeat, the market is going down and not only BUNI/BUR.

aluminick commented 2 years ago

If you're basing your decision because of low retention rate, of course it's low, it's a card game and battles with 4 trainers don't last 5 mins with 5 combos each. How about you keep the card game, and introduce other activities for better retention rather that pivoting completely, then you create that new system? I don't think your developers enjoy this indecisiveness.

aluminick commented 2 years ago

If I knew you were gonna change it to that Dragon City type of game. I should have not played this game.

ggallggall commented 2 years ago

I will ask about the Buildable Space for construction.

Is this space used for individual users to open with BUR&GOLD to build structures, expand and train bunnycorns?

This space is open to all users, and if it is not a limited space, but a space where each individual can own all the space, the value of the space itself is not very meaningful.

Only the results of bunnycorns and farming obtained in that space are worthwhile.

If you look at other metaverse platforms, the tiles are limited and their value is recognized just by owning them.

Please tell us the direction of Buni Island on this

CriticalStrike2 commented 2 years ago

This sounds a lot to take in! Am just imagining a nothing to build ecosystem but play and battle like thetan arena or axie or rph.. Not the one planting herbs to feed to bunicorns... Why do they need to eat at all?

november8falls commented 2 years ago

Since most of our Bunicorn are genesis cards. Isn't it good to add some identification number on them or MARKINGS to separate them from the future breeding bunicorns? This shows that these cards are the genesis cards. They can be valuable in the future. Having a card with markings on them or VERY RARE (VR) mark on it, which means, this cards are very hard to obtain with 0.1 percent chance to get them. Some players are willing to pay to collect this items when their numbers are very low. I hope you will consider this idea.