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Proposal Regarding the Metaverse Starter and Bunicorn game nft holder (player/user) #7

Open HackTheGame3 opened 2 years ago

HackTheGame3 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm a loyal user of Bunicorn Game from the very beginning.

I've been watching the Bunicorn team from the beginning, and I still have confidence in a lot of people, including Chief phuc.

What I'm suggesting now is not to go against what the bunicorn team is trying to do, but to add something that might be helpful.


I do not deny that bunicorn's game success is in the future, such as pvp and buniland. But, should I just wait for that moment without doing anything?

The bunicorn team has to think about two aspects.

  1. Loyalty should be increased by giving some reward to existing loyal users (users who have reinvested in the game)
  2. Need to attract new users

So, what is satisfying about this? How to reward users without pressure to sell buni and without pressure to sell bur?


I think it's a metaverse starter.

The two recent games, Elpis battle and hero arena's INO, all went well.

No special conditions were required for this. In the case of hero arena, buni holding was required, but buni token holding, not nft holding. In this case, there is no need for new users to enter the bunicorn game itself.

I think that in order for the bunicorn ecosystem to survive, the bunicorn game has to be good. The bunicorn game is the best way to increase your buni treasure, and the best place to burn bur.

So, I think that there must be a benefit for the bunicorn game nft holder in the terms of the metaverse starter's INO and other sales.

============================================= I have experienced a lot of different IDO / INO platforms. At least 20 or more. Various methods of sale are possible, but a model with a mix of GA and lottery is ideal.

So, the tier system of the metaverse starter I was thinking of is as follows.

tier 1 - GA (Guaranteed allocation) / n$ alloc per 50lvl~ trainer / m$ alloc per 5 star bunicorn tier 2 - GA (Guaranteed allocation) / x$ alloc per 41 ~ 50lvl trainer / y$ alloc per 4 star bunicorn ... tier 4 - lottery / a$ alloc per 21 ~ 30lvl trainer / b$ alloc per 2 star bunicorn tier 5 - lottery / c$ alloc per 11 ~ 20lvl trainer / d$ alloc per 1 star bunicorn FCFS round - FCFS based / z$ limit only if they have any trainer or bunicorn nft

============================================ Of course, detailed tier conditions and such can be changed according to the taste of the management/development team. What I intend is not the exact conditions, but by increasing the benefits of leveling up game users in this way, I think that bur burning / inflow to buni dex / new users to bunicorn game can increase.

It can't be perfect just by adding this one, but If you apply them one by one in this way, I believe that the bunicorn ecosystem will be stabilized little by little.