Connecting from Jellyfin for Kodi addon to a Jellyfin server reverse proxied through Bunkerweb creates errors during playback. Randomly (generally after 2-3 minutes into the playback), the playback fails with the error File ended prematurely in Kodi logs. (Full Kodi logs:
When this happens, Bunkerweb logs don't show anything in particular (except the information that the playback stopped ["POST /Sessions/Playing/Stopped HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Jellyfin-Kodi/0.7.10+py3")
I am 90% sure this comes from Bunkerweb as this happens to all Kodi clients on various machines (Windows, Odroid N2, Raspberry...) and connecting the same directly to the Jellyfin ports (without the reverse proxy) works like a charm.
After discussions with Jellyfin for Kodi addon team, they also think it comes from the reverse proxy.
Description Connecting from Jellyfin for Kodi addon to a Jellyfin server reverse proxied through Bunkerweb creates errors during playback. Randomly (generally after 2-3 minutes into the playback), the playback fails with the error
File ended prematurely
in Kodi logs. (Full Kodi logs: this happens, Bunkerweb logs don't show anything in particular (except the information that the playback stopped
["POST /Sessions/Playing/Stopped HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Jellyfin-Kodi/0.7.10+py3"
)I am 90% sure this comes from Bunkerweb as this happens to all Kodi clients on various machines (Windows, Odroid N2, Raspberry...) and connecting the same directly to the Jellyfin ports (without the reverse proxy) works like a charm.
After discussions with Jellyfin for Kodi addon team, they also think it comes from the reverse proxy.
Logs (private info edited)
Config Here is my config for Jellyfin (using autoconf):
Thanks in advance for any help or answer, have a great day