bunq / sdk_php

PHP SDK for bunq API
MIT License
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PHP Creating an API context error #210

Open jeraldpunx opened 3 years ago

jeraldpunx commented 3 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use bunq\Context\ApiContext;
    use bunq\Util\BunqEnumApiEnvironmentType;

    $environmentType = BunqEnumApiEnvironmentType::SANDBOX(); // Can also be BunqEnumApiEnvironmentType::PRODUCTION();
    $apiKey = 'asdasdasdasd'; // Replace with your API key
    $deviceDescription = "JeraldPC"; // Replace with your device description
    $permittedIps = ['']; // List the real expected IPs of this device or leave empty to use the current IP

    $apiContext = ApiContext::create(


What should happen:

Create API Context

What happens:

Fatal error: Uncaught bunq\Exception\BunqException: Generating a new private key failed. See "http://php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-pkey-new.php" for more info. in D:\laragon\www\bunq\vendor\bunq\sdk_php\src\Security\KeyPair.php:66 Stack trace: #0 D:\laragon\www\bunq\vendor\bunq\sdk_php\src\Context\ApiContext.php(187): bunq\Security\KeyPair::generate() #1 D:\laragon\www\bunq\vendor\bunq\sdk_php\src\Context\ApiContext.php(178): bunq\Context\ApiContext->initializeInstallationContext() #2 D:\laragon\www\bunq\vendor\bunq\sdk_php\src\Context\ApiContext.php(119): bunq\Context\ApiContext->initialize('JeraldPC', Array) #3 D:\laragon\www\bunq\index.php(16): bunq\Context\ApiContext::create(Object(bunq\Util\BunqEnumApiEnvironmentType), 'a6785e1ff4f3964...', 'JeraldPC', Array) #4 {main} thrown in D:\laragon\www\bunq\vendor\bunq\sdk_php\src\Security\KeyPair.php on line 66


SDK version and environment

jeraldpunx commented 3 years ago

help, what is my problem here? I already have openSSL enabled in PHP

basst85 commented 3 years ago

help, what is my problem here? I already have openSSL enabled in PHP


Can you maybe create (and test) a simple PHP-script with only the following contents?

$config = array(
    "digest_alg" => "sha512",
    "private_key_bits" => 2048,
    "private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,

$opensslKeyPair = openssl_pkey_new($config);

Because it looks like it's failing on this part of the script

basst85 commented 3 years ago

Check also this installation info of OpenSSL: https://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php

jeraldpunx commented 3 years ago

I'm still having hardtime. The libcrypto exist already on my apache and php but still not works. image

basst85 commented 3 years ago

I'm still having hardtime. The libcrypto exist already on my apache and php but still not works.

Is OpenSSL active and enabled in the PHPinfo output? https://php.tutorials24x7.com/blog/how-to-configure-php-openssl-module-on-windows

And is the Window Environment Variable "OPENSSL_CONF" also set to the location of openssl.conf ? https://seegatesite.com/the-steps-how-to-install-openssl-on-xampp-windows/