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Superfluous field "card_ids" when creating callback URL #33

Open thinckx opened 5 years ago

thinckx commented 5 years ago


As I'm creating an API to sync payments with a bookkeeping system, I'd like to get notified about payments. That's why I need to add a callback url.

My test looks like this:

    /** @test */
    public function it_adds_a_callback_url()
        // given
        $user = $this->bunq->getCurrentUser();
        $callbackUrl = "https://example.org";

        // when

        // then
        $filters = $user->getNotificationFilters();
        $this->assertTrue(count($filters) >= 1);

($this->bunq refers to BunqLib}

When running this test, I'm getting the error:

Error message: Superfluous field "card_ids".Superfluous field "card_limits".

But I can't find any documentation about this error. I tried removing the default null values, changing the url, but none of these work.

Could it be a sandbox thing? Or what am I missing here?
