bunqCommunity / bunqDesktop

The unofficial, free and open source desktop application for the bunq API
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Logout icon is a "in" icon, not "out" #525

Open samcv opened 5 years ago

samcv commented 5 years ago

Bug report

Bunq app: Screenshot_20190525_202901

Top is Schengen zone entrance. Bottom is Schengen zone exit. The logout icon looks the same as the Schengen zone entrance icon. Hopefully this will prove that the icon used in the Bunq app to logout is incorrect. Latest git version. main-qimg-1ae339a8cd2e16b9f183d817f5e6b4c4

Crecket commented 5 years ago

The problem is that there is no official logout icon for material icons* so I ended up using something similar at the time. Looks like a simple but useful thing to implement though so I'll replace it sometime 👍

mcreef commented 4 years ago

It looks like it's still not fixed....

Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-18 um 18 21 54
firstred commented 4 years ago

I can confirm it's still the same icon, on the dashboard and settings page. The material UI icon is called "exit to app" and even is an alias for "logout" when you search for it. Source: https://material-ui.com/components/material-icons/

Maybe using the old-fashioned lock icons could be an alternative as I couldn't find those Schengen-like icons anywhere in the Material Icons set. Lock icons set: Screenshot from 2020-02-18 18-38-44

Looking at an alternative, Font Awesome 5 (Free) does provide dedicated login/logout icons: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=sign%20in

I'm wondering if it would be better for this project to start using an icon set that does have all the icons available, rather than keep looking for the second-best option all the time. Some icons indeed are confusing and I'm afraid it's due to the limited amount of Material icons available.