bunsenbrowser / bunsen

🔥 Bunsen Browser provides easy to use offline P2P application and file distribution that is verifiable on Android devices. https://bunsenbrowser.github.io/
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Provide multiple dat hosting/sharing on Bunsen #40

Closed chrisekelley closed 6 years ago

chrisekelley commented 6 years ago

Right now, Bunsen is limited to hosting/sharing one dat at a time. How can we implement this support?

Here is the route that handles a dat submission and hosts it in Bunsen: https://github.com/bunsenbrowser/bunsen/blob/master/www/nodejs-project/index.js#L78

We're currently using the dat-node library to join the network/share the dat and mirror to download it to the fs.

var Dat = require('dat-node')
- snip - 
app.get('/dat/:dat', function(req, res) {
  // var name = decodeURI(req.url.split('/')[0])
  var name = '/';
  var datId = req.params.dat
  console.log("name: " + name + " dat: " + datId)
  // res.send("dat is set to " + req.params.dat);
  // var link = "778f8d955175c92e4ced5e4f5563f69bfec0c86cc6f670352c457943666fe639"

  // 1. Tell Dat where to download the files
  Dat(ram, {key: datId}, function (err, dat) {
    if (err) throw err

    var network = dat.joinNetwork()
    network.once('connection', function () {
    dat.network.on('connection', function () {
      console.log('I connected to someone for ' + datId)
      console.log('connected to', network.connections.length, 'peers')

    function download () {
      var progress = mirror({fs: dat.archive, name: '/'}, dest, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err
      progress.on('put', function (src) {
        console.log('Downloading', src.name)
      progress.on('end', function () {
        // var datString = JSON.stringify(datString)
        console.log('Finished downloading ' + datId)
        fs.writeFile(datIdFile, datId, function(err) {
          if(err) {
            return console.log("Error writing datIdFile: " + err);

          console.log("The file was saved!");
        ondirectory(dat.archive, name, req, res, opts)

    console.log(`Downloading: ${dat.key.toString('hex')}\n`)
rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

@chrisekelley At the moment it's tempting to go with some fork of dat-gateway because it supports multiple dat archives and @RangerMauve has been working on a new DatArchive library called dat-archive-web that gives you the DatArchive API with help from the gateway.

This PR solves all of those problems but does introduce a new problem not flushing dat archives that don't need to stick around thus filling up disk unnecessarily. However, it does not yet have a DatArchive API solution.

RangerMauve commented 6 years ago

I think dat-gateway persists data on disk and then clears the cache periodically. It lets you specify the TTL and number of cached archives. I would suggest using something else to signal that an archives should be persisted permanently.

With regards to same-origin issues, I'm panning on modifying dat-gateway to support subdomains with base32 encoded dat keys.

For example loading


(the brakerbrowser.com dat url) could be done with


Once I have this working, you could set up a DNS wildcard that directs *.local.bunsen.com to Then you can have the window load URLS using the base32 URL pointing at the local gateway.

rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

I'm panning on modifying dat-gateway to support subdomains with base32 encoded dat keys.

I like the base32 idea. It makes it easy going back and forth between dat archive address and base32 encoded dat archive address. No map required.

I would suggest using something else to signal that an archives should be persisted permanently.

Agreed, there needs to be some kind of signal. Perhaps a subdomain like dat.lvh.me where you can make http calls to do this signaling or perhaps the websockets route that you are taking?

rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

Wait, do base32 encoded Dat Archive URLs get longer?

screen shot 2018-04-11 at 5 55 59 pm
rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

Would look something like...

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index e25d75a..4322af3 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ class DatGateway {
     this.server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
       log('%s %s', req.method, req.url)
-      // TODO redirect /:key to /:key/
+      let address = base32.decode(req.headers.host.split('.')[0])
       let urlParts = req.url.split('/')
-      let address = urlParts[1]
-      let path = urlParts.slice(2).join('/')
+      let path = urlParts.slice(1).join('/')
       return this.resolveDat(address).then((key) => {
         return this.getDat(key)
       }).then((dat) => {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 90830fc..e9aa790 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     "test": "standard && dependency-check . && mocha"
   "dependencies": {
+    "base32": "0.0.6",
     "dat-link-resolve": "^2.1.0",
     "dat-node": "^3.5.6",
     "hyperdrive-http": "^4.2.2",
RangerMauve commented 6 years ago

They should be shorter since you have twice as much information per character.

With regards to persisting data, I think that should be a Bunsen specific service and running on a separate port from the gateway.

It should provide the credential tracking that Beaker would be providing as well as tagging archives to be persisted

RangerMauve commented 6 years ago

Yeah! Maybe fork off of my fork of dat-gateway and add the changes there.

rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

With regards to persisting data, I think that should be a Bunsen specific service and running on a separate port from the gateway.

Ya I could see that being a thing. That would be like self discovery? LOL it works and I never thought about doing it. If you clone a dat, share it, go offline, then in another folder clone it... It finds itself being shared on your local computer.

They should be shorter since you have twice as much information per character.

I haven't had any luck, they always end up longer :-/

Here's another approach where you hit http://dat.<some domain>/<dat archive UUID> and it redirects you to http://<shortened dat archive uuid>.<some domain>.

apr-11-2018 18-40-29

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index e25d75a..00e6354 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ function log () {

+var map = {}
 module.exports =
 class DatGateway {
   constructor ({ dir, max, maxAge }) {
@@ -30,10 +32,21 @@ class DatGateway {
     this.server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
       log('%s %s', req.method, req.url)
-      // TODO redirect /:key to /:key/
+      let subdomain = req.headers.host.split('.')[0]
       let urlParts = req.url.split('/')
-      let address = urlParts[1]
-      let path = urlParts.slice(2).join('/')
+      if (subdomain === 'dat') {
+        let requestedDat = urlParts[1]
+        let shortname = requestedDat.substr(0,5)
+        map[shortname] = requestedDat 
+        let protocol = (req.connection.encrypted) ? 'https' : 'http'
+        let redirectTo = `${protocol}://${req.headers.host.replace('dat', shortname)}`
+        res.writeHead(302, {
+           location: `${redirectTo}`
+        })
+        return res.end();
+      }
+      let address = map[subdomain]
+      let path = urlParts.slice(1).join('/')
       return this.resolveDat(address).then((key) => {
         return this.getDat(key)
       }).then((dat) => {
rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

@RangerMauve What direction are you thinking makes sense? Am I messing up the base32 and it actually comes in under 64 characters for a dat archive address or does the second approach, while a bit awkward, make sense?

RangerMauve commented 6 years ago

The problem is that the base32 library is converting between base32 and ASCII. You'll probably want to find something to convert a buffer to base32 and then use toBase32(Buffer.from(key, "hex"))

rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

You'll probably want to find something to convert a buffer to base32 and then use toBase32(Buffer.from(key, "hex"))

Riiiight. I vaguely remember wrangling with this on an IoT project. Will give it another go. In the meantime I opened up a PR to @pfrazee's dat-gateway to get the ball rolling upstream. https://github.com/pfrazee/dat-gateway/pull/6

rjcorwin commented 6 years ago

Moving this conversation partly over to the PR https://github.com/pfrazee/dat-gateway/pull/6#issuecomment-380642469

chrisekelley commented 6 years ago

@RangerMauve - I've forked your version of dat-gateway and we're now using its websocket-replication branch - I'm really excited about the possibilities you're opening up in enabling websocket support. dat-gateway is now in master and support of multiple dats is working. https://github.com/bunsenbrowser/bunsen/blob/29e1f336bc0a75ab618ea6326af56e3affae5803/www/nodejs-project/package.json#L9

I merged @rjsteinert 's PR enabling CORS support from here into my fork: https://github.com/pfrazee/dat-gateway/pull/7

I'm going to close this issue now that we have multiple dat hosting enabled.

RangerMauve commented 6 years ago

@chrisekelley Thanks! One nit in the review then we can merge it in. :D

I'm going to continue the work on DatArchiveWeb, but I think my roadmap looks like: