buo / homebrew-cask-upgrade

A command line tool for upgrading every outdated app installed by Homebrew Cask
MIT License
2.4k stars 90 forks source link

Some applications display the latest version incorrectly #151

Closed liby closed 4 years ago

liby commented 4 years ago
ondrejfuhrer commented 4 years ago

Hello @liby , thank you for letting us know. The version update is a manual process in Homebrew Cask repo, therefore it is updated hours (sometimes days) after the new version is released. Is it not something we can do here 🙂

Regarding the A / U column, that means Auto-Update and indicates if that application has auto-update capabilities. You can also see the [ PASS ] result on those apps -> if you would like to update them, you need to add -a or --all parameter to the command (brew cu -a).

Hope that answers your questions 🙂

liby commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your concise, understandable and timely reply.

One last question before we close. I hope you can answer me.

The user himself clicks the upgrade within the application, can homebrew-cask-upgrade gets the version number of the program after it has been updated, and it shows up in [ Pass ] result.

Have you considered supporting this feature?

ondrejfuhrer commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately that is not possible since the app would need to provide Homebrew with that information. I don't know about a way of detecting that change. There were discussions about that before in the Homebrew community and AFAIK there was no solution to this problem.