burakoner / OKEx.Net

Open source .Net API wrapper for the @OKEx V5 Rest API and V5 Websocket API
MIT License
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SubscribeToOrderUpdates - Messages not handled. #65

Closed 8perezm closed 2 years ago

8perezm commented 2 years ago

Is there any way the following error can be fixed. Can you point me in the right direction, please.

I've subscribed to order updates using SubscribeToOrderUpdates but each time there's an update it shows in the log a warning the message has not been handled.

2022/07/22 02:10:26:020 | Warning | OKEx WS Api | Socket 1 Message not handled:

  "arg": {
    "channel": "orders",
    "instType": "SWAP",
    "instId": "GODS-USDT-SWAP",
    "uid": "111111111111"
  "data": [
      "accFillSz": "1",
      "amendResult": "",
      "avgPx": "0.4643",
      "cTime": "1658452225477",
      "category": "normal",
      "ccy": "",
      "clOrdId": "",
      "code": "0",
      "execType": "T",
      "fee": "-0.00023215",
      "feeCcy": "USDT",
      "fillFee": "-0.00023215",
      "fillFeeCcy": "USDT",
      "fillNotionalUsd": "0.4643",
      "fillPx": "0.4643",
      "fillSz": "1",
      "fillTime": "1658452225480",
      "instId": "GODS-USDT-SWAP",
      "instType": "SWAP",
      "lever": "20",
      "msg": "",
      "notionalUsd": "0.4643",
      "ordId": "470517968441606146",
      "ordType": "market",
      "pnl": "0",
      "posSide": "long",
      "px": "",
      "rebate": "0",
      "rebateCcy": "USDT",
      "reduceOnly": "false",
      "reqId": "",
      "side": "buy",
      "slOrdPx": "",
      "slTriggerPx": "",
      "slTriggerPxType": "last",
      "source": "",
      "state": "filled",
      "sz": "1",
      "tag": "",
      "tdMode": "cross",
      "tgtCcy": "",
      "tpOrdPx": "",
      "tpTriggerPx": "",
      "tpTriggerPxType": "last",
      "tradeId": "16669343",
      "uTime": "1658452225483"
burakoner commented 2 years ago

Please try with new release. Let me know if your problem continue