burakorkmez / mern-chat-app

Real Time Chat App | MERN && Socket.io && JWT
MIT License
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Online Users not getting displayed #7

Closed iynes closed 3 months ago

iynes commented 3 months ago

Hello Everyone I'm getting an empty array when trying to get online users . My code is as follows :

// SocketContext.jsx : 
import { createContext, useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react";
import { useAuthContext } from "./AuthContext";
import io from "socket.io-client";

const SocketContext = createContext();

export const useSocketContext = () => {
  return useContext(SocketContext);

export const SocketContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);
  const [onlineUsers, setOnlineUsers] = useState([]);
  const { authUser } = useAuthContext();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (authUser) {
      const socket = io("http://localhost:3000", {
        query: {
          userId: authUser._id,


      // socket.on() is used to listen to the events. can be used both on client and server side
      socket.on("getOnlineUsers", (users) => {

      return () => socket.close();
    } else {
      if (socket) {
  }, [authUser]);

  return (
    <SocketContext.Provider value={{ socket, onlineUsers }}>
// conversation.jsx :
import { useSocketContext } from "../../context/SocketContext";
import useConversation from "../../zustand/useConversation";
function Conversation({ conversation, lastIdx, emoji }) {
  const { selectedConversation, setSelectedConversation } = useConversation();
  const isSelected = selectedConversation?._id === conversation._id;
  const { onlineUsers } = useSocketContext();
  const isOnline = onlineUsers.includes(conversation._id);
  return (
        className={`flex gap-2 items-center hover:bg-purple-900 rounded p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer
          ${isSelected ? "bg-purple-900" : ""}`}
        onClick={() => setSelectedConversation(conversation)}
        <div className={`avatar ${isOnline ? "online" : "offline"}`}>
          <div className="w-12 rounded-full">
            <img src={conversation.profilePicture} alt="user avatar" />
        <div className="flex flex-col flex-1">
          <div className="flex gap-3 justify-between">
            <p className="font-bold text-gray-200">{conversation.fullName}</p>
            <span className="text-xl">{emoji}</span>
      {!lastIdx && <div className="divider my-0 py-0 h-1" />}

export default Conversation;

I am getting an empty array as online users : Array(0) []

Below is my server side code :

// socket.js
import { Server } from "socket.io";
import http from "http";
import express from "express";

const app = express();

const server = http.createServer(app);
const io = new Server(server, {
  cors: {
    origin: ["http://localhost:3000"],
    methods: ["GET", "POST"],

export const getReceiverSocketId = (receiverId) => {
  return userSocketMap[receiverId];

const userSocketMap = {}; // {userId: socketId}

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
  console.log("a user connected", socket.id);

  const userId = socket.handshake.query.userId;
  if (userId != "undefined") userSocketMap[userId] = socket.id;

  // io.emit() is used to send events to all the connected clients
  io.emit("getOnlineUsers", Object.keys(userSocketMap));

  // socket.on() is used to listen to the events. can be used both on client and server side
  socket.on("disconnect", () => {
    console.log("user disconnected", socket.id);
    delete userSocketMap[userId];
    io.emit("getOnlineUsers", Object.keys(userSocketMap));

export { app, io, server };

I tried reading socket.js documetation but i'm not able to find the error Any help is appreciated!