burakorkmez / redis-chat-app

Extremely Fast Chat App with Redis
MIT License
38 stars 7 forks source link

Error: Pipeline is empty #1

Open shreyzeous21 opened 1 month ago

shreyzeous21 commented 1 month ago

import ChatLayout from "@/components/chat/ChatLayout"; import PreferencesTab from "@/components/PreferencesTab"; import { User } from "@/db/dummy"; import { redis } from "@/lib/db"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server";

import { cookies } from "next/headers"; import { redirect } from "next/navigation";

async function getUsers(): Promise<User[]> { const userKeys: string[] = []; let cursor = "0";

do {
    const [nextCursor, keys] = await redis.scan(cursor, { match: "user:*", type: "hash", count: 100 });
    cursor = nextCursor;
} while (cursor !== "0");
// user:123 user:456 user:789

const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession();
const currentUser = await getUser();

const pipeline = redis.pipeline();
userKeys.forEach((key) => pipeline.hgetall(key));
const results = (await pipeline.exec()) as User[];

const users: User[] = [];
for (const user of results) {
    // exclude the current user from the list of users in the sidebar
    if (user.id !== currentUser?.id) {
return users;


export default async function Home() { const layout = cookies().get("react-resizable-panels:layout"); const defaultLayout = layout ? JSON.parse(layout.value) : undefined;

const { isAuthenticated } = getKindeServerSession();
if (!(await isAuthenticated())) return redirect("/auth");

const users = await getUsers();

return (
    <main className='flex h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center p-4 md:px-24 py-32 gap-4'>
        <PreferencesTab />

        {/* dotted bg */}
            className='absolute top-0 z-[-2] h-screen w-screen dark:bg-[#000000] dark:bg-[radial-gradient(#ffffff33_1px,#00091d_1px)] 
            dark:bg-[size:20px_20px] bg-[#ffffff] bg-[radial-gradient(#00000033_1px,#ffffff_1px)] bg-[size:20px_20px]'

        <div className='z-10 border rounded-lg max-w-5xl w-full min-h-[85vh] text-sm lg:flex'>
            <ChatLayout defaultLayout={defaultLayout} users={users} />


shreyzeous21 commented 1 month ago

src/app/page.tsx const results = (await pipeline.exec()) as User[]; in this code is giving the error