buriburisuri / sugartensor

A slim tensorflow wrapper that provides syntactic sugar for tensor variables. This library will be helpful for practical deep learning researchers not beginners.
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use layer scope to detect variable reuse mode #17

Closed AndreasMadsen closed 7 years ago

AndreasMadsen commented 7 years ago

This fixes a bug where tf.sg_summary_activation is called if the variable_scope was in reuse mode because of the parent scope and not because reuse=True was set.

I wanted to add a test case but I'm not sure where to put it, I put it in a gist for now (https://gist.github.com/AndreasMadsen/5eb010f998f8d1eb54d23c6c33294301).

buriburisuri commented 7 years ago

@AndreasMadsen Thanks very much for your contribution. ^_^