buriburisuri / sugartensor

A slim tensorflow wrapper that provides syntactic sugar for tensor variables. This library will be helpful for practical deep learning researchers not beginners.
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How to stack LSTM layer after conv1d layer #36

Open galaxyh opened 6 years ago

galaxyh commented 6 years ago

I am experimenting on speech-to-text-wavenet. I tried to add a LSTM layer after conv1d layer, for example: skip .sg_conv1d(size=1, act='tanh', bn=True, name='conv_1') .sg_lstm(last_only=True, name='rnn_1') .sg_dense(dim=emotion_size) The output shape of sg_conv1d is (16, ?, 128)

When running, I got the following error: sg_layer.py", line 499, in sg_rnn for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]): TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got NoneType.

Is there have any advice? thanks

jesuistay commented 6 years ago

Have had the same problem. I got no idea