burke-software / django-mass-edit

Make bulk changes in the Django admin interface
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Push to pypi to fix RemovedInDjango19Warning #51

Closed ffedoroff closed 8 years ago

ffedoroff commented 8 years ago

After I add 'massadmin' into INSTALLED_APPS I got that error:

.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/util.py:7: RemovedInDjango19Warning: The django.contrib.admin.util module has been renamed. Use django.contrib.admin.utils instead.
  "Use django.contrib.admin.utils instead.", RemovedInDjango19Warning)

.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py:159: RemovedInDjango19Warning: Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label and either isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS or else was imported before its application was loaded. This will no longer be supported in Django 1.9.
  class ContentType(models.Model):
kierun commented 8 years ago

All you have to do is change: django.contrib.admin.util import unquote to django.contrib.admin.utils import unquote on line 36 of massadmin.py

I would submit a patch but really this is way too simple. ^_~

bufke commented 8 years ago

As soon as I get a chance I'll push to pypi https://github.com/burke-software/django-mass-edit/pull/48

If anyone wants to help maintain please let me know. I'm just going to quickly sanity check git master and push a new release. It's very easy to do.

bufke commented 8 years ago

2.5 is released.