burke-software / django-mass-edit

Make bulk changes in the Django admin interface
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Handling long drop-down lists #53

Closed gamesbook closed 3 years ago

gamesbook commented 8 years ago

dme is a very useful tool, but as our database has grown, so has the length of many of the drop-down lists & we have had to disable some to allow for reasonable page load times. Could there be some consideration given to allow dme to support django-selectable (http://django-selectable.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html) which allow for incremental lookups and thereby avoids the problems of loading large lists at page creation time? Thanks!

bufke commented 8 years ago

I'd accept a pull request to add compatibility as long as it doesn't require everyone install django-selectable. There are many ways to do what you are suggesting - django-grappelli has a lookup thing for this type of problem too. Personally I prefer django-autocomplete-light.

gamesbook commented 8 years ago

I don't want to re-invent any wheels. At some point libraries will need/have to accept dependencies on others - django-selectable has worked well for us and is straightforward to work with in the admin. I suppose one could make use of a library switchable... but if no one else has encountered this issue, there is little point in working on a patch.

gamesbook commented 3 years ago

When upgrading our project we decided to switch to django-autocomplete-light